A Great Day for a Bikeride
Published on April 22, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging

Today was a gorgeous day.  Not much different than it's been around here.  Highs in the 80's during the day and 60's at night.  Just perfect. 

I did something a bit different today.  I biked to Rosenthal's study in Lady Lake.  Usually it takes me like 10 minutes and about 5 miles to get there by car.  But with rotaries, or around here they call them roundabouts, and loads of traffic along the normal route I took the back way which mostly took me along country roads with hardly any traffic.  Of course it was about 7 1/2 miles one way, but it was worth it. 

While I love to go biking it wasn't my idea to do this.  My husband needed the car to go out on a job that is about 2 1/2 hours away.  He tried to make his appointment on any other day but Tuesday but could not.  He knows I take the car on Tuesdays.  So I had a choice to either skip this study or bike to it. 

I couldn't bear to miss it so I opted to bike it.  Took my water, a granola bar, my bible and a pen and off I went.  It took me about 45 minutes to get there.  Many hills later I made it to my destination and received many comments as I locked up my bike in the parking lot. 

After the hour and a half meeting I came out, unlocked my bike and was again stopped by a lady asking me about how far I had traveled to get there.  After a few minutes of talking with her, Marv came out and I got to chat with him as well and off I went.  He wished me safety wanting to see me next week.  I wouldn't miss this for anything. 

My legs felt a bit sore but I knew I could just take it easy on the way home.  The rolling hills were easier coming home than going out until I hit close to home then they got pretty steep again. 

After a good hearty lunch, I napped for an hour or so and then went out (after David called and woke me up) on the bike again to check out an open house about 2 or 3 miles away.  Of course there's a huge hill on both ends of this ride so now my legs are feeling very worked out. 

I'm not sure if I'll run later or not.  If I do it will be a short three miler.

What a beautiful day to spend outdoors. 



on Apr 22, 2008

A short 3 miler...hahahah.

I love to ride my bike, I even bought one of those pull behind trailers for Gavin to ride in...but now he likes to ride his own bike which means I walk..

Did you grump at Brian for waking you up?


on Apr 24, 2008

Did you grump at Brian for waking you up?

you mean David?

No not at first.  Usually I always like to hear from the kids, but I think I was sort of grumpy because he started to tell me how terrible the airport area was late at night in Chicago.  We are getting off in Midway not O'Hare as I was told both are doable.  So the price was cheaper at Midway and then he tells me how we could actally get killed if we stopped our car even at a red light. 

He said, don't stop for anything, basically telling me to gun it thru the streets outside the airport.  When I said I expected that he was going to pick me up he went on to say he wouldn't get caught dead in that area that late at night.  He then went on to say her dad didn't even go near there.  So I did grump at him then telling him "now you tell me."  So I got a bit testy and irritated with him over the whole conversation wanting to get off the phone at that point.....I think it was the laughing at the end of the other end of the phone that was really setting me off.

Aly calls me back immediately putting my mind at ease that it's not nearly as bad as laughing David was letting on. 

So not sure if it was the nap wake up call or the evil laughter or both that set me off, but ya, I guess I did sort of grump at him a bit.