Watch Yourself Carefully
Published on April 11, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

First the Question:

Should a Christian business owner have the right to refuse business they feel might compromise their personal testimony or their company policy?

Now the story:

A Christian couple in New Mexico own their own photography business.  Recently a lesbian couple asked this Christian couple if they would shoot their "committment ceremony" nearby.  They politely refused. 

One of the lesbian partners filed a complaint against them with the New Mexico Human Rights Commission claiming they were descriminated against because of their sexual orientation. 

Wednesday the Commission declared the Christian Couple guilty and ordered them  to pay $6,000 in costs. 

So now  there are more questions that beg to be answered:

Are the homosexual activists using the non-descrimintory laws as weapons against those who have faith in God and are against such practices? 

Do Christians now have to surrender their free speech and freedom of religion when they choose to open a business?

The lawyer for the Chrisitan couple said this:

"The Commission's decision is tantamount to the State of New Mexico forcing a vegetarian videographer to create a commercial for a butcher shop."

How slippery do we want to make this slope? 







Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 11, 2008
This issue is very old. It has originated, and not been resolved, with Catholic Hospitals and Abortion in California. But it does cross the grey area of choice versus heredity. Unfortunately, the government will not step in, and it is up to the courts to make law. As in this case.

My View? It is a conflict of church and state. And their fine is on the wrong side (as I believe their views are - but that is another story).
on Apr 11, 2008

Question 1: Answer: Yes

on Apr 11, 2008

well then it's time for Christians to go to Gay producers and gay directors to make a Pro-life and a anti-homosexual commercial using the bible, if they refuse then sue them for discrimination.

on Apr 11, 2008

I wonder if it's legal to have one of those "We reserve the right to refuse service" signs.

on Apr 11, 2008

Is this going to be like the "No Coloreds" signs or something?


on Apr 12, 2008

I think they are over-reacting.  It's a commitment ceremony not a porn shoot.

on Apr 12, 2008

Should a Christian business owner have the right to refuse business they feel might compromise their personal testimony or their company policy?

Ofcourse! Just like I can have a "no blacks" or "no kids" sign. It should be your right to do business with anybody you want (and thus being able to decline anybody as well). The lesbians, gays and other strange people can go to their friends photography store.

on Apr 12, 2008

well then it's time for Christians to go to Gay producers and gay directors to make a Pro-life and a anti-homosexual commercial using the bible, if they refuse then sue them for discrimination

See this is a problem, because any Christian worth his salt WOULD NOT do this.  So the homosexuals do have an advantage over the Christians here.  We are supposed to be lovers of peace and goodwill and going around suing by looking for trouble would only hurt the cause for Christ. 

The lesbians, gays and other strange people can go to their friends photography store.

There are many out there that have no qualms in this area it shouldn't be a problem.  It's tough getting business nowadays I'm sure there are many who would jump at this opportunity.   

Is this going to be like the "No Coloreds" signs or something?

No.  There is nothing in scripture against blacks.  I covered this when I wrote about the only race in scripture is the human race.  The whole racist belief is coming from man, not scripture. 

It's diff tho when it comes to homosexuals in that it's quite prohibited against in scripture.  It's called an abomination and if we are not to associate ourselves with that lifestyle and enabling and celebrating it would not be gloryifying to God. 

I think they are over-reacting. It's a commitment ceremony not a porn shoot.

But it's taking part in a homosexual celebration that a Christian should not take part in.  To do so gives the impression that they were ok with it.   Our Christian Faith goes with us into the work place.  It's part of who we are.  We don't leave it at the door.  To do so would be hypocritical. 




on Apr 12, 2008

I, as a business owner, should have the right to improve or hurt my business by setting whatever rules I want regarding service.

If I had a "No Blacks/gays/kids/ugly people" rule I would lose the {x} market and some of the the Pro-{x}, {y}market.  But I might gain the "anti-{x}" business.

In governement things all should be treated equally.  In a private business. . it should be  . .well . .  private. 

on Apr 12, 2008

KFC Kickin For Christ

I think they are over-reacting. It's a commitment ceremony not a porn shoot.
But it's taking part in a homosexual celebration that a Christian should not take part in.  To do so gives the impression that they were ok with it.   Our Christian Faith goes with us into the work place.  It's part of who we are.  We don't leave it at the door.  To do so would be hypocritical. 

I can sort of understand this attitude but part of me can't.  If this is the Christian way, then fine.  But then why all the hype about Jesus sitting and having dinner with hookers and thieves?  I don't remember what the bible said specifically about hookers (stoning them?) but I'm fairly clear about the thieves part.  I thought it was all about Jesus loving everyone even if the person wasn't exact with the bible.  I'm sure you will find lots of quotes to contradict this. 

Also, I don't think that taking a photograph is asking anyone to participate in their homosexual relationship anymore than sitting and having a meal with a thief is condoning his thievery.  Pardon for assuming the male gender in thuevery.

Anyway, I doubt I will be back to check this post anymore.  You are welcome to your interpretations and juedgements and I really don't feel like checking back for the slog of biblical quotations.  If you want, you can delete this.

on Apr 12, 2008
I'll go eat dinner with a homosexual (not a date though ) but I'm not going to go to their commitment ceremony. Why? Because eating dinner is not a sin. Sex outside of marriage is. Marriage is between a man and a woman.
on Apr 12, 2008
Anyway, I doubt I will be back to check this post anymore. You are welcome to your interpretations and juedgements and I really don't feel like checking back for the slog of biblical quotations. If you want, you can delete this.

then it's hard to discuss this if you just want to what I call "hit and run."

But I will just in case you do come back....  

It's not about interpretations and judgments. It's absolutely clear. As Christians we are not to encourage any type or enable anyone having sex outside of marriage. Period. Doesn't matter the gender.

Jesus ate with the "non religious" of society. The Pharisees who were the religious ones, took notice of this. But Jesus said it's the sick who need the doctor and it's the spiritually sick that need him. But he never let them off the hook with their sin either. Quite often he would say to them "go and sin no more."

Why? Because eating dinner is not a sin.

exactly. It's ok to show them love, it's quite another to help them in their sin.

on Apr 12, 2008
It's also about the right of a business owner to choose whether or not they will give someone business. Frankly, I don't think I'd have made the same decision as these guys, but they should have the right to choose. This is not an essential service, this is a photography business.

You can love someone without approving of their actions. Parents do it all the time.
on Apr 12, 2008

It's diff tho when it comes to homosexuals

I completely disagree.  Subjective quoting of scriptures might work for you but as far as I am concerned, intolerance is intolerance, no matter how it's couched.

Having said this, I think if a small business makes adverse business decisions based on such matters, then it is their bad luck and they should suffer the consequences.  But it certainly doesn't call for government involvement.

on Apr 13, 2008

Dyna, oh you are  breath of fresh air.  Kudos on the excellent comment.  This is one of the few times I'll say what he/she said

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