After I Get My Free Tax Refund
Published on February 29, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Democrat

"I'm moving to Canada." 

I heard this when I picked up the phone.


"Did you hear me?  I'm moving to Canada."

"Now what?"  I said.

"OBAMA" she said in a high loud whiney voice.  "OBAMA, OBAMA.  Who in the world is OBAMA? Why is everyone chanting his name like this? Where did he come from?" 

I immediately knew what was going on.  My grandmother is a die-hard old Democrat.  She absolutely loves Hillary with a passion.  She has Hillary all over her small apartment.  Everywhere.  Books, magazines, picutures of Hillary are her motif.  It's eerie, sort of like some weird idol worship of man.....or should I say woman?  Not sure really.

Anyhow she's ticked because Obama is surging ahead of Hillary and my grandmother is getting nervous.  She watches CNN all day long.  And I mean all day long.  She watches nothing else.  Seriously. 

So she starts in about the Anti-Christ and how she's read Revelation and there is no way she wants a Muslim in the White House.  No way is she going to vote for a Black Muslim named Barak Hussein Obama. 

I think she's mad really because she feels like now she can't vote in what could be her very last election being 91 years old.  She was also a woman's libber way before her time.  She really should have been born in today's world, not prior to WWII.  Something happened upstairs with the planning on this one!  Ouch!  Did I say that?

She and I do not agree on Politics.  Not by a long shot. She has not worked a day in her life hardly and is now living on Social Security alone.  She and I have had some doozy, shall we say, spirited debates over the years?  She always ends up laughing saying of all the Conservatives she knows, I'm her favorite. 

So what is this?   Run when the country doesn't go your way?  It's kind of surprising to hear about this relocation to Canada bit from a woman who doesn't shut up about WWII.  What about staying and fighting and not giving up? 

So I got to thinking.  I've heard about this desire to move to Canada all my life when an opposing candidate gets into office and I wondered what do the people in Texas or other Southern states say?  Do they say, "I'm moving to Mexico Martha?"   I mean to move to Canada from Maine is no big deal.  Two hours or so and you're there.  But Texas?  Now we're talking traveling. 

So after I got her calmed down, we talked about her upcoming tax refund.   Yep.  She hasn't filed a tax return since the dark ages but is getting a refund on something she hasn't contributed to in years?  How can that be called a REfund? 

So I told her maybe she should wait until after she gets her refund to move to Canada?  Heck she can use her refund to buy the gas.  Afterall it shouldn't take her but  maybe three hours to cross the border. 


on Feb 29, 2008
So after I got her calmed down, we talked about her upcoming tax refund. Yep. She hasn't filed a tax return since the dark ages but is getting a refund on something she hasn't contributed to in years? How can that be called a REfund?

Actually, I think she has to file a return to get one. Not necessarily pay a cent, but file one.
on Feb 29, 2008

Yes, basically just saying that she receives SS.  That's it.  I guess they just want to make sure you're not an illegal or anything. 



on Feb 29, 2008

LOL!  Your grammy is pretty feisty!lol!

on Feb 29, 2008

Can you get your Grammy to grab a few Loco's, I mean Loca's and take them to Canada with her when she goes?

on Mar 01, 2008

Can you get your Grammy to grab a few Loco's, I mean Loca's and take them to Canada with her when she goes?

Oooooh don't let Loca hear you say that!  Well I guess she can still keep in contact from Canada huh? 

LOL! Your grammy is pretty feisty!lol!

I can think of many other descriptive words my dad would give you for her but feisty isn't one of them....but yes she sure can get riled up....that's for sure.




on Mar 01, 2008

Can you get your Grammy to grab a few Loco's, I mean Loca's and take them to Canada with her when she goes?

No WAY Terp.  Loca stays here.  She's too awesome to let the Canadians claim her.

on Mar 01, 2008

I laugh and make fun of Obama supporters, but its all in fun.

I will support our next President, no matter who it turns out to be.

I'm an American first.