Some Take Off, Some Don't
Published on February 3, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging
I love to meet new people and get to know them. There's something special about meeting a new friend and wondering if this will be one of those friendships that will click. I mean most of the time it doesn't pan out exactly. Sometimes the new friend you meet seems to be on the same page and you think it's going to be long lasting but it doesn't work out the way you thought it would Sometimes you find this newly budded friendship quickly dries up and passes by as you find yourself waving a quick hello at the mailbox or as you' step into your car.

We've had two neighborhood socials so far with more to come. We decided to meet the third Wednesday of the month for fellowship and appetizers. The first meeting was really just an introduction. I didn't feel like I walked away with any new friends only new neighbors.

The second meeting was a tad better. At least now I recognized some of these faces and met a few more who didn't make the first one. Actually I'm thinking one new couple seemed like the swinging type and the husband seemed to really like me. That's just way too weird for me. I'm wondering how popular that type of lifestyle is around here? Not sure. But after watching Dr. Phil the other day I'm really thinking it could be an extra curricular that doesn't get advertised with all the other activities mentioned in the papers.

Actually at the last neighborhood meeting I invited a Jew to church and he said he'd go. Imagine that! He's a funny guy and I like his sense of humor. He said to me, "you know you're inviting a Jew to church?" I shrugged my shoulders as if to say, "so what?" I told him I was Jewish minded. After talking with him for a while, he said I knew more about his faith than he did. He's not a practicing Jew. When I jokingly said I could have my husband preach on Isaiah 53 the week he comes if he wanted, he said it wouldn't matter because he didn't even know what that meant. Another single fellow wants to tag along overhearing our conversation so now I have two new fellows going to church with me next week.

Tonight I think I made a friendship times two that I think is going to bloom right away. As I was finishing up my run tonight with my husband and arguing (sort of) about running styles, I spotted one of our new neighbors I had yet to meet. I think she was laughing at us. She couldn't help but listen to us argue loudly. It's a quiet street. It doesn't take much. She was picking up after her dog on the neighbor's lawn across the street and I was thinking to myself that better not happen on my lawn. She said something to me like "hello I've seen you run alot. You get alot of exercise in." I returned that greeting and struck up a conversation with her walking towards her as I did so.

Within a few minutes I was in her house meeting her sister who lives with her. The two sisters, from New Jersey were quite friendly and we hit it right off. After a quick tour of the house (we all do this around here even with strangers) they invited me to sit and talk which I did for almost an hour or so. They are both in their 60's, unmarried and very personable.

I offered to take them both for a golf cart ride tomorrow since they don't have one and have never driven one before. They are thinking of renting one next week when they will have company but are kind of leery driving it around. So tomorrow I'll pick both of the sisters up and we'll tool around town. I think I'll make sure both of them have a turn behind the wheel. We are going to have a great time. They offered to take me to the most popular eatery around here tomorrow night with them. Supoosedly Monday night is the best time to go for the live entertainment. I've heard a rumor it's a pick up place so not too sure the hubby is going to approve this one.

So it will be interesting by the end of the year, who I buddy around with the most here in my neighborhood. These gals, unfortunately are only part timers with one leaving next month not returning until October. So we'll just see what happens, but right now it's just fun meeting new people from all over the place not knowing what lies ahead.

on Feb 04, 2008


It's amazing to me how many relationships can actually fit under the umbrella of that one word.

As you know, having moved fairly often the last twenty years, making new friends became part of our lifestyle.

The latter half of that time was as a Christian.  As a Christian I don't believe necessarily in "chance."  So when I meet someone new I wonder, "Is there something here?  Why has God allowed this person into my life?  My consciousness?"

Sometimes the answer is prayer.  Sometimes I have no idea, and can't figure it out right away but find out later.

My point.  I encourage you to nurture friendships that are out of your comfort zone when presented with the opportunity.  Is it important to have a like minded core?  Yes!  But don't discard someone because they make you uncomfortable.  I've learned more about myself (and my walk) with people who make me uncomfortable than with my like minded friends.

Maybe while looking for your core relationships, ask yourself and God every time you meet a new person...why has God allowed this person to cross my path?

I once had a Pastor who said the average Christian heard or was in contact with the faith at least 100 times before committing.  He did an entire Thesis on it.  Anyway, he said people generally weren't receptive to talk under the first 50 contacts, or seeds.  They responded more to action.

Sometimes that action is nothing more than prayer.  But sometimes, at least in my life, its been reaching out to someone who thinks we have nothing in common.  And we may not have any values in common, but we have the human condition in common don't we?

I can be friends with an Atheist, a Mormon, a Christian, a swinger, a homosexual, a WHATEVER,  because in the big scheme of things I believe God allowed them in my life.  That I have things to learn from knowing them and if I am truly blessed, God will allow me to be a blessing in their lives as well.

I am SURE you know all this.  But when I read your blog it made me think about all the moves and all the friends I made in unlikely places, with unlikely people.  And I thought I'd share....heh.

on Feb 04, 2008
Yea, a lot of "froms" in your neighborhood.  As such, they are probably looking for new friends as well.  I found it easy when I was a military brat to make friends for the same reason.  We were all "froms", so there were no cliques we had to look out for (there were some in the civvie section, but there was a social divide between military and civvies.
on Feb 04, 2008
The latter half of that time was as a Christian. As a Christian I don't believe necessarily in "chance." So when I meet someone new I wonder, "Is there something here? Why has God allowed this person into my life? My consciousness?"

me too T and for us it goes even deeper in a way because of the bizarre circumstances that put us here. So I'm constantly trying to figure out ..."am we here for this person?" I really feel strongly there is a huge reason for this strange move. I think we're starting to figure it out with this church already tho. But it could be more than that I'm not sure yet. Time will tell.

I once had a Pastor who said the average Christian heard or was in contact with the faith at least 100 times before committing. He did an entire Thesis on it. Anyway, he said people generally weren't receptive to talk under the first 50 contacts, or seeds. They responded more to action.

I agree and believe this as well. I'm one to go right up to people no matter the background. I mean I've brought a Muslim to church with me before (he hated it) and now I'm bringing a Jew but lots of people inbetween as well over the years. Tonight my neighbor Bill who I invited to go to church with us showed up in my driveway (scared me to death). Evidently he doesn't want to miss our date. I get the feeling he's lonely. I chatted with him for quite a bit and invited him to dinner if he wanted to come on that Sunday. He asked if he could bring his daughter and I told him she was welcome as well. She watches out for him from a distance living a couple of miles away.

I can be friends with an Atheist, a Mormon, a Christian, a swinger, a homosexual, a WHATEVER, because in the big scheme of things I believe God allowed them in my life

hahahah me too...but gotta say, there won't be much action going on with the swinging couple from my end of I have friends from all walks of life. One of my best friends is an Adventist. I don't like much of their theology but love my friend to death and we just agree to disagree and go about with our friendship. Another is a Catholic. Same thing.

am SURE you know all this. But when I read your blog it made me think about all the moves and all the friends I made in unlikely places, with unlikely people. And I thought I'd share....heh

Thanks T. While I've moved many times over the years and can relate to everything you said I've never moved like this as you have. I mean everything is new at once. The house, the neighborhood, the people, the streets, even the stores. We don't have Publix, Belk and Beals etc in Maine. So everything at once hits you when you make a drastic move like this. Three months into this now I'm starting to settle in. Like everybody it's nice to be in that comfort zone and I'm not there yet.

As such, they are probably looking for new friends as well.

Pretty much we're all in the same boat. Some are moving here because friends moved here first so they have a few contacts but most are like us.

on Feb 05, 2008
But it could be more than that I'm not sure yet.

I am sure it is. I don't think God can ever really fit one reason into least in my life, he seems to make every lesson at least threefold. Layers, its all in the layers.

but gotta say, there won't be much action going on with the swinging couple from my end of things

hahahaha. WHAT? I know why! You don't wanna share that handsome hubby! I see how ya are! Actually I am not much of a sharer myself when it comes to my man.  

on Feb 05, 2008
I don't think God can ever really fit one reason into least in my life, he seems to make every lesson at least threefold. Layers, its all in the layers.

I think you're onto something here. I just spent the afternoon with the two sisters. We really are hitting it off. THis is only my second visit with them and we spent over an hour just sitting on their porch chit-chatting. They want me to hang out at the pool with them tomorrow. It seems as tho that's an everyday activity; meet at the pool and hang out. Today it was 86 so many were at the pool when I went by to pick up my mail.

hahahaha. WHAT? I know why! You don't wanna share that handsome hubby! I see how ya are!

yep, you nailed me on this one!!    It ain't happening. I don't care how cute the other guy is....I'm not very good at sharing my toys I guess.

on Feb 05, 2008
It seems as tho that's an everyday activity; meet at the pool and hang out. Today it was 86 so many were at the pool when I went by to pick up my mail.



Enjoy it woman...but wear sun screen. Leather skin is yuky.
on Feb 06, 2008
Today it was 86 so many were at the pool when I went by to pick up my mail.

Hitting 80 today here (but then will be down in the teens by Sunday).