Well we had the boss over for dinner.
My husband called from work on Thursday asking if it would be ok to invite one of the partners from the firm over for dinner on Sunday. His wife is in Atlanta and he's home alone for weeks.
I said sure. Why not? I like to cook for others and it's been a while since we had a dinner guest. Back home we had dinner guests alot because our church family was so big there was always some reason to have a couple, single or family over. Sometimes I'd just pick three or four singles out and invite them over knowing they probably don't like to sit alone all the time for dinner.
My husband likes it alot when we have dinner company anyway because I cook better. Well that's what I think. He says I cook well all the time, but I know better. I tend to go more out of my way (who doesn't) making more dinner choices than usual. But he says I cook more and I usually do making enough for three meals. Well to me, that's a good thing. That way we can have leftovers the next night and besides if I cook something that somebody doesn't like it doesn't matter if I make plenty of choices.
So tonight we had ribs and chicken on the grill, cesar salad, mashed country potatoes, carrots, fresh garlic bread and carrot cake for dessert. I cut a very generous piece of carrot cake for him to take home since he really liked it. That helps us both out. With just two home, we don't need that much leftover cake.
Now I'm wondering if we invited one partner over, maybe we should be inviting another over? We definitely don't want to play favorites with the bosses.