This Doozy Recipient Wants to Know
Published on December 17, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging
Have you ever opened up a gift and went....."what the heck?"

I have. I've gotten some doozies over the years.

Gift cards seem to be the latest rage lately. I'm thinking it's a good idea. Find a shop or quaint little restaurant that one on your gift list likes to frequent and surprise him/her with a card for a future visit. You can even wrap a small token gift appropriate for the card along with it.

For instance, if you know someone who just loves Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts coffee you could wrap the card in a Dunkin or Starbucks Mug. If the gift is intended for the policeman on your list (hahahahah) you could always wrap the Dunkin Donuts card up with a dozen donuts instead of the coffee. Of course this gift would have to be opened pretty much immediately. You may want to include a bigger belt for the soon to be expanded waistline depending on the amount of said giftcard.

If you have an avid hunter on your list you could wrap up the card to his favorite hunting place with a bright orange hat, vest or gloves. At least you can have some peace of mind that if he gets shot out in the woods you did everything to help ensure his safety and not feel the least bit guilty of encouraging him to walk around in the woods with a gun yet one more time.

Maybe you have a teen on your list? Teens are notoriiously hard to buy for. You can make a teenager happy by giving him or her movie tickets which can be wrapped up along with boxes of movie candy for the show. Of course the candy probably won't make it that long, but it's the thought that counts. Who knows? It could be the best gift yet for this teen. Who doesn't like to see a good movie?

Maybe some of what I call doozy gifts I've received would be welcomed by another. Like, for instance, the time I got two big bags of Dunkin Donuts Coffee and two mugs. I don't drink coffee. This was given to me by a very close family member. It didn't make me feel too good. I'll tell you that.

Or the one time I got this big coffee table book (what is it about coffee anyhow?) and there wasn't one written word in the thing. I can read you know. It was a big picture book of food. What the heck? Food? I don't want to look at food. I want to eat it.

My son got me a banana holder last year. I just looked at it and said, "what is this?" He ran into the kitchen, grabbed some bananas and gave me a visual right there and then trying to convince me (very earnestly I might add) that I was in dire need of this great gift. He was starting to sound very strangly like a salesman making his pitch.

This same son, the year before, got me an ab roller. Again, I looked at it and went, "what is this?" Of course this-I'm-not-going- to-reveal-his-identity-son, who is in the finest shape imaginable sporting his very own nice six pack attempted to show me how to use this ab roller doozy.......I mean thingy. I have to say he struggled a bit himself with the darn thing. But at least he could do it somewhat. I fell flat on my face. Was he trying to tell me something?

While the coffee, mugs and coffee book are long gone, I know I still have the banana holder....but no bananas at the moment, and the ab roller thingy is kicking around in some unopened box somewhere in the garage. I can hardly wait to open the gifts under the tree. It's sure to make me smile.

And that's a good thing.

Merry Christmas!!!

on Dec 17, 2007

Funny - I know I've recieved some presents that make me want to introduce myself to the person because they sooooo obviously don't know me.  The saddest thing is when they are close family members.  I've recieved a rice cooker, actually it is quite useful but at the time I didn't even have a microwave why did I need a piece an appliance that only cooks rice in huge quantitites?  My MIL got me sheets.  Nice sheets and I use them but still who opens a package of sheets and goes - yippee sheets!  There was also the heinous teddy bear dressed as a southern bell and in some weird heart basket with mint green silk flowers.  My cat at the time made it a toy and I was glad. 

I'm with you thoughtfulness and creative packaging are the way to go. 

on Dec 17, 2007

Before Starbucks, and in the days I drank coffee, Dunkin Donuts was the BEST! (still is as I have never had Starbucks).  Sadly, my coffee drinking days are over, but it is still the best!

But I do know what you mean.  I have a closet full of ties.  need one?

on Dec 17, 2007
Nice sheets and I use them but still who opens a package of sheets and goes - yippee sheets! There was also the heinous teddy bear dressed as a southern bell and in some weird heart basket with mint green silk flowers. My cat at the time made it a toy and I was glad.

I laughed out loud at this Loca. Funny.

My mother keeps giving me bathrobes. Every year it seems that's what I get from her. They go in the extra closet every year with the rest of them. All brand new, different colors and textures and never worn. I hate to hurt her feelings so I don't say anything but when I had my yard sale, guess what I put out there? I usually have one very worn comfy bathrobe that I put on the back of a door somewhere and that's what I grab on the rare occasions I even wear one usually in the winter months.

My dad was the one who bought me coffee. He knows I drink tea, even cocoa, but not coffee.

Many people buy what they like not necessarily what the givee wants but what they want to give. My mom loves bathrobes and that's what I get. My dad loves to drink coffee and when he visits me, I always brew him a pot. I told him point blank that I don't drink coffee when I opened the present. He laughed and said, "but your husband does." Oooooookay! Then why was my name on the package?

But I do know what you mean. I have a closet full of ties. need one?

This reminds me. My husband at church one time was asked point blank this question...."Do you like my tie?" My husband thought the tie was ok, nothing to write home about but not wanting to hurt the guy's feelings said....."yes."

In a nanosecond this guy whipped off his tie and said...."good, you can have it. I never did like it but one of my kids gave it to me and now I have an excuse to give it away." He said this with a laugh as he handed it to my husband who just happened to be this man's pastor. Therefore this guy had a good excuse for giving up his ugly tie....the Pastor liked it.....hahahahahaha .

on Dec 20, 2007
Ok Amanda told me, after reading this blog, another story of a doozie she received one year. Since she hasn't come on to tell the story, I'll do it for her cuz I thouht it was a riot.

Her grandmother, and you have to know her grandmother, gave her four calendars for Christmas for the same year!!! I'm wondering what she was trying to tell her? Hmmmm is that like having two alarm clocks to wake up in the mornings?

I remember when I was 10 I got my much requested Spirograph from Santa. Remember those? Are they still around?

Anyhow, soon after I unwrapped another identical spirograph and I remember distinctly my dad giving my mom the look and saying something like "seems like Santa got a little mixed up this year." I think that was the year I stopped believing in SC so I kinda of chuckled about it not wanting to reveal my disbelief in the whole Santa fantasy.

on Dec 20, 2007

I think that was the year I stopped believing in SC

Scott Calvin?

on Dec 20, 2007
who's Scott Calvin?
on Dec 20, 2007
who's Scott Calvin?

The Santa Clause
on Dec 20, 2007

I'm always thankful that people think of me at Christmas and spend the time to purchase anything at all.  I think it's insane how much importance people put on the gift giving during Christmas, anyway. 

Personally, I'd rather have a unique bad gift than to get a gift certificate.  Gift Certificates just seem like a cop out- why not just give people money instead?