Perhaps we need the Convenient Truth
Did anyone watch 20/20 tonight? A portion of it was on Global Warming. Now what? How much more can they say about this? It was on the "Gimme a Break" section of the show by John Stossel. He's usually pretty common sense so I watched.
FIrst he showed the ads that are nothing but scare tactics and then onto the school children, also scared from watching these ads and listening to their parents reaction watching these ads. Then onto Hollywood with Gore sharing his award with the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ICPP) for the "Inconvenient Truth."
86% of the people now think Global Warming is a serious problem. Really? Once again I find myself in the minority. Fact or hype? Which is it? It's funny the Scientists interviewed tonight are not up in arms over this like Hollywood and the Government are. Who's in the know? The Scientists? The Government? Certainly not Hollywood!! How long will this be debated I wondered.
Of course Gore wouldn't agree to talk about this on a show like 20/20. So Stossel went to some high level Scientists to get the other side of the story. Gore must be too busy touring. Do you tour after you win a Nobel Peace Prize? I dunno, but I wouldn't be standing in line getting tickets that's for sure. For some strange reason, I'm thinking it's right up his alley.
These Scientists all agreed the earth is warm. That's not an issue. There are gains and losses to temperatures, and they're not at all concerned with it. They definitely said it has nothing to do with man. Well that's not so scary. Certainly not like the ads were.
One of them said all this hype is nothing but rubbish!! The IPCC is nothing but Government Activists. They are not scientists at all he said. One of the scientists interviewed had his name on the IPCC list at one time and asked to have his name removed, not agreeing with their stand. They refused, wanting to keep his name on there, (for credibility?) and he was angry. He had to threaten the IPCC with a lawsuit to get off the list. It's funny how just mentioning "lawsuit" changes one's mind.
These scientists receive no money but are getting threatened for speaking out against this whole global warming tirade. They are sticking their necks out refuting what the government is trying to sell us. What's behind all this? What is the Real Truth?
Debate 's over so says Gore....Gimme a break!