Didn't Want Mom to Know
Published on October 11, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events
I guess mom knows now that her daughter is a lesbian and it didn't go over very well. So the school got sued.

Two girls were caught kissing in California's Santiago High School, and like all kissing infractions parents were notified. The administration was just following the rules like they always do, but this time they were sued. Why? Because one girl was now "outed" to her mother.

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Gay Straight Alliance Network brought the federal suit, claiming the girls were disciplined because they were gay.

The judge disagreed saying this was not motivated by sexual orientation, but the school was just enforcing their policy.

"Schools have a right to set rules for public displays of affection, and they have a right to enforce these rules with appropriate discipline," said Kevin Snider of the Pacific Justice Institute. "If the student had won in this case, that would have undermined the Bill of Rights. It's not surprising in many ways that the ACLU once again shows its confusion over due process rights."

Is this just another tactic by the gay activists to look like helpless victims? Did they really think they had a special case here even though school policy is clearly written that kissing in the school by students is against the rules and parents would be notified? Did they really think they are a specially protected class that doesn't have to abide by the same rules that heteros have to abide by?

Well I guess our school doesn't have this policy. Last year two girls were sitting on the front steps of our local HS, kissing away. But then our school prides itself on being social progressives. Problem? What problem? Girls will be girls?

I've got to remind myself I live in a blue state. What else can I expect? At least I know I'm moving to a "warmer" state soon both physically, socially and politically.

Florida here I come.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 11, 2007
This is a slight divergence from your topic, and I apologize for that, but I am curious, if in Christianity all sins are equal and all sinners are sinners (all PEOPLE are sinners), then why is homosexuality made into such a bigger deal than any other habitual "sin"?

I always marvel at how much time Christians spend bemoaning and fighting homosexuality when all that time/money/energy could be used to minister to people in need and make the world a better place.
on Oct 11, 2007
I can't believe schools in the States stop kids from kissing or 'public displays of affection'. What a crock...

on Oct 11, 2007
Lol, I would think any person, repub, democrat, religious, or whatever, would say something to the effect, you kissed in public, its your fault. Whether or not shows of affection like kissing should be banned and reported would probably spark arguments, but not "you caught me doing something romantic with a person my parents shouldnt know about and are bound by law not to tell anyone".... please say there is more to this story.
on Oct 11, 2007
Yea! for the school holding up its own policy...in California no less! Yea! for the (infamous 9th District court) judge who didn't cow down and play into political correctness or the homosexual agenda.

on Oct 11, 2007
I can't believe schools in the States stop kids from kissing or 'public displays of affection'. What a crock...

Agreed. What a draconian, ridiculous rule. It's HIGH SCHOOL, people. This is exactly what I expect from High Schools.

It's a stupid policy, regardless of the sexual orientation of the victims.
on Oct 11, 2007

As long as they treated this infraction the same as they would if it were a boy and girl kissing, I understand.  If they catch a girl kissing a boy, do they call the parents and say your daughter got in trouble for kisssing a boy or just your daughter got in trouble for kissing.  If the girl didn't want her parents to know, she probably shouldn't have been kissing in school.  Even if she didn't get in trouble from the school, I would think that tidbit would get back to her mom.  A student tells their mom, mom's talk. 

On a side note, I agree with Tex about the anti-homosexual agenda of the religous right.  It seems out of proportion to other sins and also in my opinion mean spirited.   

on Oct 11, 2007
As far as I remember, the identity of the other person involved is protected by law. Such as, in day care, when my wife would tell someone their kid was bit, or bit another kid, the other kid's identity was kept secret. Why wasn't the identity of the other kid kept secret here? You don't have the right to know another kid's discipline problems. Though in this case it was collusion so maybe that's why? Conspiracy to kiss? Or maybe because the kid can talk now and can tell you what happened? I don't know.
on Oct 11, 2007

I think anything done in public is well, public.  If she didn't want mommy to know...then don't do it in public.  Another kid with a camera phone coulda taken a picture and sent it to her mom....think they'd sue that kid?

The reason they have no PDA in school is easy to understand.  Teens are at that "pushing" the limits stage.  If they allow kissing, then the kids would naturally push to the next thing they don't allow...and well, I don't even wanna go there.  (Cuddle Puddle anyone?)  So, they just  ban it all.  Does it still happen?  Of course!  But the kids have to be discreet if they don't wanna answer to the man....hahaha.

on Oct 11, 2007
I can't believe schools in the States stop kids from kissing or 'public displays of affection'. What a crock...

Agreed. What a draconian, ridiculous rule. It's HIGH SCHOOL, people. This is exactly what I expect from High Schools.

So rules of proper conduct don't mean anything to you?

There are proper times and places for romantic displays of affection like this type of kissing is. The school isn't one of these.
on Oct 11, 2007
Lesbians do have at least one special right: to run wild in my fantasies.

on Oct 11, 2007
LOL, Zoo!
on Oct 11, 2007

I can't believe schools in the States stop kids from kissing or 'public displays of affection'. What a crock...

It is a crock, and it is sexual harrassment gone wild.  When grammar school kids (6 and 7 years old) can be suspended for tag (while not on the playground), I am not surprised that schools have this policy.  It is part of their zero tolerance (which I still maintain is zero intelligence) policies.

on Oct 11, 2007

There are proper times and places for romantic displays of affection like this type of kissing is. The school isn't one of these.

CLASSROOMS are not, however, I see nothing wrong with kissing between class or at lunch.  This is not a convent after all, but a regular school.  Where apparently social interaction is now on the same level as god - not allowed in school.


on Oct 11, 2007
Funny that I should read this on National Coming Out Day . . .
on Oct 11, 2007

I see nothing wrong with kissing between class or at lunch.

This is pure nonsense.....

DrGuy's scenario of "social interaction".....14, 15, 16, and 17 year olds in the classrom and the bell rings...all exit and pair up smooching away...guy and girl...girl and girl...guy and guy...same deal during lunch....

Like I said, there is a proper time and a proper place for kissing and the school ain't it.
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