From Ethan's Favorite CD
Published on September 22, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging
Today was an interesting day. Up at 4 am to catch a 5 am bus for a HS x-country meet. We had a long drive to Manchester, NH for a huge event we do every year. Many races in the day of which we participated in four total. It was a very nice day for these races, overcast and cool. Actually we had quite a bit of fog that carried us through at least 11 am. When the sun finally broke free, the temps rose as expected. But all in all a nice day to be outside.

I ran up the same start, a huge hill, each time. I'd meet the team on the huge long starting line in their designated numbered box and then start up the hill to get ready from a distance. By my fourth trek up the hill, at the end of the day, for the Varsity Boys race to catch the start, finger on my watch as I ran, I was dragging. I'd get to the top, hit my stop watch when the gun went off, and take off for the first mile. With pen and clipboard in hand, I trucked, running faster than I normally do to ensure I got there before the runners did. I figured I had a good 400 meter head start and being at the top of the hill heading downwards was a plus for me.

We ended the day with good results. We had 5 runners go home with medals. On the line at each start was something like 280 runners from all over the Northeast. The medals went to the first 50 runners of each race. The best finish of the day for us was in the Varsity Boy's Race. One of our boy's finished 4th with a PR. Not bad.

I'm really going to miss the team, the area and all I've helped accomplish here. I did tell the girl's team I was leaving and they were sad and hoped I'd be back next year to come to some of the races. I haven't told the boys yet. Then later I was asked to consider coming back from the end of August-October to coach again next year. It's the best time of the year to visit Maine. I'm actually mulling this over. Can I do this? Not sure.

It is nice here right now. No bugs, no snow, no extreme hot weather. We get cool nights, warm days, brilliant colors as the trees start to change not to speak of all the fall country fairs all over the place . It's almost everyone's favorite time of year here.

So many decisions to make. I guess it's just all part of the race of life.

Run, Run, Run The Race. Keep, Keep, Keep The Pace.

on Sep 23, 2007

Sounds like you got a good workout.

This move to Florida is going to be hard the first year or two.  Just the weather difference will take lots of getting used too.  Fortunately, you are moving to a very nice fairly exclusive area of you don't have to deal with the less than desirable parts of it on a day to day basis.  That may sound snobbish, but once you get there and settle, I think you'll understand what I mean.

I am praying for you and hubby. 

on Sep 23, 2007
Thanks Tova, sure can use those prayers.

I'm thinking there will be adjustment for sure. It'll be interesting but so far am hearning nothing but the positives. In fact we now just found out we are doing a wedding in December right there where we will be living..

It's too long to go in to here but one of our gals from church asked us today if we'd marry her cousin who asked thru her when she found out we're moving down there. She knew her cousin was in FL but had no idea exactly where. Our friend is now going to be our first guest in our new home already. So one week after announcing this we have a wedding to perform.

I'm telling ya, the whole experience has been nothing but open doors. It's really exciting.

on Sep 24, 2007

Moves are exciting and fun, as you do get to enjoy new places and meet new people.  But the down side is as you can see.  Leaving friends and others behind. 

best of luck with your move.  There are not going to be many hills in Florida!

on Sep 24, 2007
There are not going to be many hills in Florida


guess what? Our new house is at the top of the only hill (if you call it that) in the whole Village Area that we've seen so far. I thought that was interesting especially in lieu of the fact each house we've owned we lived at the top of a hill. This means at the end of every run I have to climb it. Here we are over 650' in elevation. I grit my teeth as I go around the corner and look up.

on Sep 25, 2007

Our new house is at the top of the only hill (if you call it that) in the whole Village Area that we've seen so far.

Psst!  I said they had no hills, not that they do not have old garbage dumps.......
