In The Latest News
Published on July 11, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events
Here are some current events I'm eyeballing right now.

A few days ago Missouri Gov Matt Blunt signed a bill that abortion providers will NOT be allowed to present information about sexual health in the state's public schools. Hooray for Governor Blunt. Going against the powerful PP is not easy.

He said:

"All life is precious and needs to be treated with the utmost dignity and respect, I will continue working with the Missouri General Assembly to pass strong pro-life legislation that respects the sanctity and dignity of all human life."

So no more Planned Parenthood Agenda being pushed in Missouri schools. Hip Hip Hooray! Now let's boot them out of the classrooms of the next 49 states.

Tomorrow the U.S. Senate will be opened up for the first time with a non-monotheistic prayer. Instead a Hindu chaplain from Reno, Nevada, by the name of Rajan Zed is scheduled to deliver the opening prayer in the U.S. Senate. Zed tells the Las Vegas Sun that in his prayer he will likely include references to ancient Hindu scriptures, including Rig Veda, Upanishards, and Bhagavard-Gita. Historians believe it will be the first Hindu prayer ever read at the Senate since it was formed in 1789.

Why is the U.S. government is seeking the invocation of a non-monotheistic god? The Hindu's believe in many gods. How does this jive with "One Nation Under God?" The founders, religous or not spoke of their "creator." David Barton, historian says he knows of at least seven cases where Christians have lost their bid to express their own faith in a public prayer.

Many Christians with even just a slight knowledge of the OT understand the implications. Reaching out to pagan gods to appease people got Israel in a whole heap of trouble. I think tomorrow will be a sad day for America as we turn our backs on the God that made our country strong. Is this the last nail in the coffin of Christian America? I think it's time I called my Senators.

Have you ever heard of Stephen Bennett? If not, you may as he's going on a tour of all 50 states with five other former Homosexuals who have left the homosexual lifestyle behind. For more than a decade he lived the homosexual lifestyle but says he's been set free through a relationship with Christ. He says he wants to help set others free from same-sex attractions.

This tour, called 2 Corinthians 5:17 will include a program of about 1 1/2 hours in length and will be both an evangelical concert and testimonial. He's beginning in September and will have gone to all 50 states in about a two year period.

More than a year ago the American Family Association called for a boycott of Ford Motor Co because of their continued support of homosexuals. Since then Ford's sales have dropped 8.1% comparing last month's June figures with last year's June figures. Overall sales for 2007 are 11 percent lower than 2006. In addition, 700,000 families have pledged they will not buy from Ford and will honor the boycott. Is it because the boycott is working or is it because Ford's products aren't worth buying?

While this is all happening at the same time the other side is gearing up as well. About 1,500 homosexuals from 25 countries learned at a conference this month how to get their governments to favor homosexuality.

The conference, held in Scottsdale, Ariz., and sponsored by the Metropolitan Community Church, hosted delegates from countries where homosexual behavior is outlawed, such as Jamaica and Nigeria. They're on a mission.

and just for fun, I read in the news about the man who dressed up as a tree to rob a bank. He duct taped branches with leaves all over his face and head area and demanded money of a bank teller. He got away with an undisclosed sum but somebody recognized his picture on the news and called him in. I guess they had to defoilate him before they booked him. Gotta give him credit for originality but I don't think his roots went too deep.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 12, 2007
So the Hindu guy will pray to all of his gods? Does the Senate realize how long that might take? I know people who can take hours to pray to just one God.
on Jul 12, 2007

Does the Senate realize how long that might take?

Hey!  That is not a bad idea!  The more time they waste, the less harm they can do!  I wonder if we can get a Druid in for the next prayer.

on Jul 12, 2007
Also, I believe the dropped car sales are more related to the interest rates getting higher. They don't have to sell as many cars to make a profit on their financing end of the deal.

Hey, good news. In 2006, Ford Motor Company posted a net loss of $12.6 billion. They had sales of $143 billion in autos, but the associated cost of sales was $149 billion. So, it actually cost them more money to sell the cars than they got for selling them. Their financial services revenue was down 29% as well, which is a huge part of why they posted a net loss.
on Jul 12, 2007
Is it because the boycott is working or is it because Ford's products aren't worth buying?

It's the latter. Most American cars (hate to say it) suck. Back in the seventies, they knew how to make a long-lasting, reliable vehicle, but in the name of Almighty Dollar (sadly enough, the true God of America these days) they've cut corners and created a crappy car.

I love my Hyundai.
on Jul 12, 2007
I love my Hyundai.

I am a bad American as well. When that little old lady from Pasedena totalled my truck, I did look at Fords, but my heart was set on a Toyota, and I got it for a great price. It is my 4th Toyota, and I have never regretted any of them.
on Jul 12, 2007
David Barton, historian says he knows of at least seven cases where Christians have lost their bid to express their own faith in a public prayer

seven cases of christian clerics losing their bids to express their own faith when leading the senate in prayer? other than those hoping for an opportunity to offer some sorta prayer rebuttal to counter the 'official' prayer of the day?
on Jul 12, 2007
Mainstream Hinduism is monotheistic. The aspects or lesser gods - Shiva, Kali, Vishnu et al - are merely considered paths to understanding a single portion of the incomprehensible that is divinity. Catholics do a similar thing with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Protestants do it with God and Jesus. Only Jews and Muslims could really be said to be monotheistic if we reject the idea of aspect worship.

For someone whose schtick is religion I'm very surprised you don't know this!

And yes, Fords bite. There's no way I'd buy one if I could get a European, Japanese or even a Korean car for the same price.

They make great rally cars though, so I guess they're not awful if that's what you're into.
on Jul 12, 2007
Is it because the boycott is working or is it because Ford's products aren't worth buying?

newsflash...all 3 american car companies lost money in the last period. gm lost more than ford. chrysler, a little less than ford. it had nothing to do with any group of yahoo's boycott. it had everything to do with the fact that american car compnies suck at designing cars people actually want and then have to give them away.

toyota made money in the same period,,,why? because they build cars people want to own. smae with the other japanese and korean makers.

by the way, every car company markets to the gay community. as does every bank and financial institution and most companies in most industries.
on Jul 12, 2007
I am a bad American as well. When that little old lady from Pasedena totalled my truck, I did look at Fords, but my heart was set on a Toyota, and I got it for a great price. It is my 4th Toyota, and I have never regretted any of them.

They make Toyota's here in the US, you're still good.
on Jul 12, 2007
Why is the U.S. government is seeking the invocation of a non-monotheistic god? The Hindu's believe in many gods. How does this jive with "One Nation Under God?" The founders, religous or not spoke of their "creator."

Could have something to do with the US Constitution forbidding the establishment of an official government sanctioned religion. Like it or not there is no official religion in this country and a Hindu prayer in the Senate is just as legitimate as a Christian one or a Muslim one or a Jewish one.

Since it's founding the Senate has been opened primarily by Christian prayers, or at least deist prayers. One Hindu prayer is going to cause the country to explode in a cloud of fire and brimstone? I don't think so. We are a nation of many religions which is what the founding fathers intended.
on Jul 12, 2007
For someone whose schtick is religion I'm very surprised you don't know this!

We don't worship three gods Cacto. We worship the same God as the Jews. The Jews just don't recognize Jesus. We worship ONE God "revealed" in three persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is not easily explained but the God of the OT is the same God of the NT. He came in the flesh. When you see the father, you see the son.

An update on the Hindu Prayer today......A former Navy chaplain says he was in the Senate gallery this morning when two Christians were escorted out of the chamber for disrupting the opening prayer given by a Hindu chaplain.

Gordon James Klingenschmitt says when he heard that the Hindu man was invited to give the opening prayer he went to the U.S. Senate in hopes of gaining equal access. On Tuesday, he went to the office of Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) office seeking permission to offer a Christian prayer in the Senate at some future date. Not being from Nevada, Klingenschmitt was turned away and directed to the office of one of his senators -- Hillary Clinton (D-New York) -- whose staff also reportedly declined his request.

The former chaplain says he then attempted to get an audience with Senate Chaplain Barry Black. "I went to Chaplain Black's office, and they must have known I was coming because they had already informed security not to let me in," he says. "And so they wouldn't give me an appointment with Chaplain Black. They said his personal calendar is booked until 2009."

He was there when everyone stood up including some Christians who prayed Christian Prayers basically asking God to have mercy on our Nation.

He explains what he then witnessed in the Senate chamber. "Would you believe that the security office immediately escorted them out and hauled them off to jail because they prayed in Jesus' name, out loud, when this other man was praying a Hindu prayer out loud?" he shares. "He was praying a prayer of idolatry, violating the First Commandment [which says] 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me," he continues. "In contrast, these Christian people, they stood up and they just prayed in Jesus' name."

Remember it's the 10 commandments displayed near the top of the U.S. Supreme Court not Hindu scriptures.

Did you know as you enter the Supreme Court courtroom the two huge oak doors have the 10 Commandments engraved on each lower portion of the door? Did you not know that there are Bible verses etched in stone all over the Federal Buildings and Monuments in Washington DC? Hindu scriptures? Nope. Notta one.

"it cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded NOT by religionists but by Christians, NOT on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ." Patrick Henry.

We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the 10 Commandments of God."

James Madison, 4th President of the US also known as "The Father of Our Constitution.

and it can be seen by taking a stroll thru Washington and looking closely at our Government buildings that they made sure evidence of their beliefs were etched into granite and marble.
on Jul 12, 2007
KFC, do you honestly believe they were escorted out because they were Christians?

From everything I've read, they were escorted out for loudly interrupting the prayer. The presiding officer of the Senate asked for order to be restored and they continued and were thus escorted out. They were charged with unlawful disruption of Congress. It is not okay to "shout" someone down in the Senate, regardless of the circumstances. I can not imagine that you would hold this same position had the roles been reserved. If a Hindu protester had tried to shout down Christian prayer, I would imagine you'd be in favor of the protester being ejected from the Senate Chamber.

This is a prime example of the Religious Right being intolerant of other religions. Hindu Americans are just as American as Christian Americans and should be allowed, undisrupted, to offer the opening prayer of their Government on occasion. Remember, Chaplain Black opens the Senate on most days with prayers invoking Jesus. You seem to be forgetting the first amendment entirely.
on Jul 12, 2007
For those who are interested, here is a video of the events. They were certainly not "immediately removed." In fact, Senator Casey asked for order to be restored three times. This was nothing short of disrespectful.
on Jul 13, 2007
I watched the video and wow, that was disgusting.

on Jul 13, 2007
violating the First Commandment

first amendment trumps the first commandment...which is exactly what was intended by those who drafted and ratified it.

every statistic and quote you offer to establish their beliefs anddevotion evidences that conclusion.

how else to explain the fact there is no mention of anyone's god in that document?

they forgot???

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