We all have our mountains to climb
Published on June 19, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging
I'm now on day five after my oral surgery and still having pain especially just before the next dose of medicine is due. It's not so much pain as it's discomfort. It's starting to wear me down tho. I'm still on double advil and penicillin every six hours around the clock. I'm off the pain killers only taking two the first day and off another drug he had me on for anti inflammatory. So overall I'm doing much better than he thought.

My cheek and right under the jaw are very sensitive and sore to the touch; a bit spongy with a bit of swelling but i pretty unnoticeable. So that's good. I'll have stitches out on Thursday and I'm not liking the thought that he's going back in there. It's very tender.

Saturday night I guess my Doctor went to dinner with a group of people from my church. When I showed up Sunday morning each one of them asked me when they saw me with mouth's wide open "what are you doing here?" I guess he told them all at dinner not to be looking for me because I would be a no show. Had him and them fooled....lol. When he and his wife walked in the door, out came his finger, wagging at me, but had to admit I looked pretty darn good. That's what they all said. I was supposed to have alot of swelling and alot of pain. I guess I'm the miracle he had told me NOT to expect.

My son raced Mount Washington on Saturday and because of my surgery I couldn't go. i usually hike up about halfway to watch and then run down. It's a race that only the serious runners would even dare attempt. It's 7.6 miles straight up, the highest point in the NE. The joke is, it's only one hill. They sell bumper stickers that say "THIS CAR IS DRIVEN BY SOMEONE WHO RAN UP MOUNT WASHINGTON."

It's not uncommon to have temps in the 70's at the bottom and be in danger of frostbite at the top. That happened the first year he ran. He almost got hypothermia because he ran up shirtless and had no idea what awaited him. He made the top 25th place which is really good. Last year he was in the top thirties somewhere and about a minute slower so he's moving on up. He's still very young not even close to reaching his peak. Runners come from all over the country to run this.

I remember reading an article this winter about how cold it got up there. They have a station that's always manned for weather observation and they reported throwing up buckets of water and having snow come down out of the buckets. That's cold. Usually it's blizzard conditions up there and people die every year attempting to go up without taking precautions or being prepared as they should. One year they couldn't run up it, because it was so dangerous, so they had the runners go halfway up and turn around. The race is always mid June so that's one cold mountain.

The pollen around here has been awful. It's like we've had major fallout leaving behind this icky green poo all over the windows, cars, countertops in the kitchen etc. It's nasty stuff. A whole bunch of us at church and work have nasty head stuffiness and coughs we're all attributing to this. I've been dealing with it for more than three weeks with just a residue cough and itchy or horse throat now left behind. I'm thinking maybe there's an herb out there that can help combat this. I've got to find out.

I think it's affected my running. My breathing is way off and I just feel really crummy running so I've been cutting my runs the last couple of days. I'm not sure if it's the pollen situation or if it's got something to do with post surgery or even the drugs I'm on now although Advil shouldn't do anything adverse and actually help me. I just don't know what's bugging me.

I'll keep plugging away and hopefully I'll get thru it. That's my hill to climb right now.

on Jun 20, 2007
It's not uncommon to have temps in the 70's at the bottom and be in danger of frostbite at the top. That happened the first year he ran. He almost got hypothermia because he ran up shirtless and had no idea what awaited him. He made the top 25th place which is really good. Last year he was in the top thirties somewhere and about a minute slower so he's moving on up. He's still very young not even close to reaching his peak. Runners come from all over the country to run this.

It sounds cold, you on the other hand sound a lot better despite the horrible hayfever type symptoms you are having. Keep climbing.  
on Jun 20, 2007
Get well soon! Hang in there. A couple years ago I discovered that laying on the couch is not so bad.