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Kickin For Christ
Patriotism-Dead or Alive?
Do We Need A Revival?
Published on May 6, 2007 By
KFC Kickin For Christ
Current Events
I am Patriotic and proud of it. I always have been. I get goose bumps when I sing God Bless America, or My Country Tis of Thee. I can't help it. It was ingrained in me since I was a child I guess. We used to sing these songs all the time. When was the last time you had the opportunity to sing about our Heritage or even hear one of these Patriotic songs outside of a sports arena? Do our young children today even know these songs?
My earliest school memories involve singing such songs every morning before school started. We would stand and sing by our desks two or three such songs. I remember singing When The Saints Go Marching In which happened to be right up there as one of my all time favorites. No this was not some Christian private school by the way. This was public school.
Boy, alot has changed since then. I AM NOT THAT OLD. I was in public school in the late 60's and 70's. My mom and grandmother have stories about when they started school it always started with prayer and a scipture reading. I only remember a time of silence. Prayer had already been thrown out by the time I got into school I guess.
Anyhow this all came to my mind last week when I visited Jerry Falwell's church in Lynchburg, VA. He had a speaker last Sunday night that just blew me away. I'm familiar with him but have never seen him in person. His name is David Barton. He has a ministry called Wall Builders. He goes around the country informing all of us what has been lost in the realm of political correctness. I've heard alot of speakers in my time including some foot stomping preachers, but none in all my years captured an audience like Barton. You could audibly hear, quite well, all the gasps across that big church as Barton made statements and showed many historical documents that many of the older generation especially could remember and relate to.
Last Sunday before Barton spoke we sang all the same songs I remembered since childhood. It all came back to me as I sang out those words without the aid of the big screens all over the place. Also sung that night, of course, was the Star Spangled Banner and The Lord's Prayer. It was awesome. That place rocked last Sunday night with all the Patriots like myself singing as loud as we could and still be in key.
When I got home I read about a Christian teacher who is suing a San Diego school district he has taught in for three decades, accusing it of purging classrooms of the country's religious heritage and history. The district ordered the teacher to remove banners from his classroom walls that included mottos and slogans promoting what school officials consider a "Judeo-Christian" viewpoint.
The teacher Brad Johnson has filed a lawsuit alleging officials with the Poway Unified School District violated his constitutional rights by demanding he take down several educational banners in his classroom, some of which had been displayed -- without complaint -- for nearly 25 years. Those banners contained phrases such as "In God We Trust" (the official motto of the United States); "One Nation Under God" (a phrase from the Pledge of Allegiance); "God Bless America" (the title of a patriotic song); "God Shed His Grace On Thee" (a line from a popular patriotic song); and an excerpt from the preamble to the Declaration of Independence, "All Men Are Created Equal, They Are Endowed By Their Creator."
Johnson, who has taught for 30 years in the district, was told by school officials the banners violated school policy because they conveyed a Judeo-Christian viewpoint. Wow! What a shame! What was he thinking?
It's funny these banners up until now have caused no disorder or disruption in the classroom. What's changed? His attorney Rob Muise had this to say:
Muise argues that the school is engaging in blatant anti-Christian discrimination against his client. "They've restricted his speech based on a viewpoint, and they claim because it promotes a Judeo-Christian viewpoint," he explains, adding that "they've demonstrated a hostility towards religion in this particular context, which is also impermissible."
"They allow a forum for certain speakers whose messages they obviously permit -- some that are not even educational in nature," says Muise. He notes that in one classroom just down the hallway from Johnson's, a teacher has displayed a poster of the grunge band Nirvana.
"Yet they prohibit my client from using the same forum to express an educational mission just because it promotes a sectarian viewpoint, in their view," Muise points out.
In a press release from the Law Center, Muise argues that public school teachers in America have a responsibility to educate their students to be informed citizens, a process that includes learning about the nation's history and its founding.
These banners served to educate these students, as they had always done , for 25 years I might add. The Patriotism that once united this country has now been slowly eradicated by those so concerned with PC.
We've come a long way Baby, and not for the better in my opinion.
That's my opinion, I welcome yours.
For more information on Barton check out his site but I'd really encourage you to listen to him, hear him speak. He's amazing to listen to.
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Comments (Page 1)
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on May 07, 2007
The Patriotism that once united this country has now been slowly eradicated by those so concerned with PC.
This about says it all.
I hope he wins his case.
Dr Guy
on May 07, 2007
I would argue with the School district that the only ones offended (maybe) by the posters would be Atheists, and therefore it is not promoting a Judeo Christian bias. As the Muslims pray to the same god, and all religions pray to A (or several) Gods.
KFC Kickin For Christ
on May 07, 2007
I hope he wins his case.
me too. I'm tired seeing our heritage trampled on.
would argue with the School district that the only ones offended (maybe) by the posters would be Atheists
ya, probably some atheist saw these posters and put up a stink. It only takes one. I hope the other parents and supporters speak up about this. He needs to be encouraged. I thought it was interesting these posters were all centered around our politcal heritage invoking God yes, but it's not like he had up scripture verses or anything.
Jeepers how many know that our very own first legistative session was held in a Choir Loft in a church? And the first session was open with a very long prayer...hours long?
There's not even a question in my mind as to why our nation has thrived for so long and has been so prosperous so quickly. I'm afraid tho, that we are going downhill fast as we leave God in the dust in doing so. He definitely is the power beneath our wings. We need, as a nation, to wake up and smell the coffee.
Big Fat Daddy
on May 07, 2007
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"
Don't be discouraged by the noise levels created on the left side of the room. The majority...vast majority...of our citizens are good, honest and God fearing. We cannot ignore the attempts of the radical few who try to tear down the belief structure to serve their own agenda...but we should remember that they speak loud but not for us all.
Big Fat Daddy
on May 07, 2007
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"
Don't be discouraged by the noise levels created on the left side of the room. The majority...vast majority...of our citizens are good, honest and God fearing. We cannot ignore the attempts of the radical few who try to tear down the belief structure to serve their own agenda...but we should remember that they speak loud but not for us all.
on May 07, 2007
"When the country falls into chaos, patriotism is born."
- Lao Tzu
on May 07, 2007
Sad, so sad. Been saying it for a while on this site. This country is loosing everything it was built on as we try to please everyone who moves here. Kinda funny to think that if we go to other countries the only thing they will do for us is speak English and that's only to charge us. I love my country, I miss the good old days, and that was just 20 years ago for me. I remember standing up in class ( Kinder, First and Second grade) and saying the Pledge of Allegiance while facing a flag that hanged from the wall in our classroom. I can’t remember ding that my last 2 years of school. I have not heard my son mention this to me either. Sad, eventually American History will be eliminated just to please the small groups of foreigners that feel offended by it.
KFC Kickin For Christ
on May 07, 2007
Reply By: Big Fat DaddyPosted: Monday, May 07, 2007"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"
yes this is true. And another standby that's a favorite of many is:
"If my people which are called by name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgie their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chron 7:14
When the country falls into chaos, patriotism is born."
this is true but I hate to see that happen in order for us to rememer where we've come from.
on May 07, 2007
I cannot speak for everyone here, but many here are dyed in the wool 110% patriots. Proud to be an American, dismayed at what is happening to America.
Texas Wahine
on May 07, 2007
Is there any reason why religious instruction can't be taught at home?
I am agnostic, bordering on atheist, and I personally don't have a problem with my children being exposed to religion as I feel like it's their choice, but you have to understand that if you push Christian faith in school, you open things up for other faiths as well, many of which might directly contradict your values.
My children participate in Cub Scouts, and they have learned how to do color guard, so we say the pledge frequently outside of school. It is, admittedly, uncomfortable for me because I don't want to invite criticism if I omit "under God" but at the same time, that line to does not reflect my personal pledge to my country.
I take far more flak for NOT being religious than I ever did for being religious.
KFC Kickin For Christ
on May 07, 2007
Is there any reason why religious instruction can't be taught at home?
It absolutely should be.
but you have to understand that if you push Christian faith in school, you open things up for other faiths as well, many of which might directly contradict your values.
some of that is already happening but Christianity at the same time is taboo.
is, admittedly, uncomfortable for me because I don't want to invite criticism if I omit "under God" but at the same time, that line to does not reflect my personal pledge to my country.
I completely understand this. For a while when I was still in school I was a JW. They do not recite the pledge either. I had to stand there and say and do nothing. I don't agree with that now, but I would defend your right to do so or not do so. But in the meantime, our country was founded on many of these things, why take them out when so many of us would like to see them continue? I'd like to see our country stand on the principles it was founded, but not criticize any that wish not to participate either.
I get angry over the lies we've been taught these last 40-50 years or so. Since the 30's, 40's and 50's the textbooks have slowly been changing. Before then our history was centered around the truth about God and Country. Since then it's shifted into more economic history than anything. It's now all centered around economics not God like it used to.
For instance. How many know what original paintings are hangng in the Capitol building? How many have seen the painting of Pocahantas getting baptized? How many know her name was changed to Princess Rebecca after being converted to Christianity? The painting I believe is called Princess Rebecca and is 12' by 18 ' long. It's life sized. We were not told of her name change because if they tell the kids that, then they have to explain why she changed her name.
How many can name the 56 signers of the Declaration? Again, the painting which was a live painting hangs in Washington. Is it a coincidence that our school children can only name and point to two of the signers? Guess which two? Franklin and Jefferson. Is it a coincidence that these two were the LEAST religious of the 56? What do you know of the other 54 signers? Did you know one founded 5 universities? Did you know that one started Sunday School in America in 1791 or that one founded the American Bible Society? Do you know that at least half were trained seminarians?
Most don't know this, because we've been taught otherwise for a purpose. Little bit by little bit our heritage has been eradicated from our school children to indoctrinate them into humanistic thinking. Our founding fathers would roll over in their graves if they walked into one of our classrooms today.
Sorry for the rant, but like I told you.....I'm very patriotic.
on May 08, 2007
It's a lost cause. We try so hard to please everyone that all we do is please no one. How many times must it be said that nothing is perfect on this planet yet we strive to create that which is impossible. I don't even know why we have history anymore. I don't even know why we have schools for that matter. We have become a society of lazy, selfish, leave-me-alone attitude people who care about nothing not even themselves. One day in the future people will look back at this point in time and associate the word American with hypocrisy. We cry, kick and scream that our President has divided our country when in reality it has been us all along who have been doing that. We're so concerned with our own feelings that we ignore the fact that there are others out there that have the right to see, have, enjoy and participate in those things that bother us.
I don't care if you wanna believe, in God, Alas, the God of the Sun or no God at all. Ever heard of ignoring? Ever heard of consideration for others? Why this need to make everyone else angry knowing this will not bring you the wants that you search for? I am sad to say that, by my experience, the odds of this country ever becoming a better place to live is slim, with or without the terror factor. As long as we have cultures that either prohibit marriage or making friends due to religion, race or gender, or that think violence is better than diplomacy, this trend we see today in the US will continue to go down hill and eventually we will lose everything this country was built on and we will no longer be the most powerful country in the world and worst of all, we will be at the mercy of those countries who would rather have nothing better than to see us on our needs.
on May 08, 2007
I don't think that there will ever be organized prayer in public schools again and I think that's how it should be. Imagine the arguments over what prayer would be acceptable to all religions. The different Christian denominations can't even agree or get along, let alone the non-Christians. Not to mention all of the in-fighting within different denominations.
I think if it is important to parents for their kids to learn about God in school then they should send their kids to religious schools. My parents sent me to Catholic school because it was important to them even though paying the tuition was sometimes a struggle.
And the "under God" was not even added to the pledge until 1954.
I personally think it's patriotic not to exclude people or make them feel uncomfortable because their religous views aren't the same as the majority. That's what makes us different from many of the other countries in the world. The native Americans certainly weren't Christians. The first settlers to this country were fleeing religous persecution. They wanted to come to a "new world" where they would be free to worship the way they chose, not how the government told them to or by what was acceptable to the majority.
on May 08, 2007
Hello All,
I am much more optomistic than these replies seem to suggest JU readers are. I frankly think that the debate or discussion regarding religion in society is a healthy thing and that all sides should and need to be heard. I do not support tax money to be used to pay for religious displays, and I don't think religion should be taught in public schools in anything other than a comparative religions context. But children and parents, we all should be aware of both our similarities and differences as citizens.
I don't see religion as a patriotic issue, in fact, I sense it is antagonistic to patriotism, in truth. God is much larger than a nation or a planet for that matter. We we cast our heart toward the universal, the particular should be placed in context. I suspect we can protest too much on both sides of this issue. I wonder what really is the need behind the banners for God in a classroom. Shouldn't we be more worried about our children's conduct?
I don't know. It all seems terribly complex to me. The simplistic attacks on PC are bothersome as well. PC arises out of some degree of concern for others. It means we must find a way to get out of the box we might be in and see that we live in a world of pluralism whether we like it or not. On the otherhand, PC can and does seem to go over the top itself and become a sort of benevolent fascism, if you will.
Good article KFC, thank you.
Be well.
on May 08, 2007
Hello All,
I am much more optomistic than these replies seem to suggest JU readers are. I frankly think that the debate or discussion regarding religion in society is a healthy thing and that all sides should and need to be heard. I do not support tax money to be used to pay for religious displays, and I don't think religion should be taught in public schools in anything other than a comparative religions context. But children and parents, we all should be aware of both our similarities and differences as citizens.
I don't see religion as a patriotic issue, in fact, I sense it is antagonistic to patriotism, in truth. God is much larger than a nation or a planet for that matter. We we cast our heart toward the universal, the particular should be placed in context. I suspect we can protest too much on both sides of this issue. I wonder what really is the need behind the banners for God in a classroom. Shouldn't we be more worried about our children's conduct?
I don't know. It all seems terribly complex to me. The simplistic attacks on PC are bothersome as well. PC arises out of some degree of concern for others. It means we must find a way to get out of the box we might be in and see that we live in a world of pluralism whether we like it or not. On the otherhand, PC can and does seem to go over the top itself and become a sort of benevolent fascism, if you will.
Good article KFC, thank you.
Be well.
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