Published on March 10, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging
Today was a good day. It was finally must have been in the high 40's today at least. That's warm. My run, although muddy felt great. There are good running days and it's-so-bad-I-think-I'm-going-to-pick-up-another-sport-kinda-day. This was a....I-think-I'll-run-that-4th-of-July-race-this-year-kinda-day.

My son made his Spring Break destination safely. With 5 College kids in one car traveling 14-15 hours I was a bit worried but all is well that ends well right?

He even called and invited me down to the now 85 degree weather he's enjoying. I thought that was cool. No, not the weather, but the fact that he invited his (cool) mom to join him. I'm thinking of maybe going down to visit him for a long weekend after Spring Break when he gets back to school. His girlfriend just lost a roommate and has offered to let me stay with her. Yes, btw he's back with his girl friend. I guess they never really broke up, he says now. They just had a cooling off period. All's well that ends well.

I've gone back to my biblical studies that I'm doing out of Liberty University as a distance learning program. I took a long break from it and now am going back full force. I want to finish this program within the next year.....if all goes well. Maybe, I can graduate the same time my son does.

I've got a new weight trainer. He's instructing me in a weight lifting program. I run but I feel so weak upper body and thought it would benefit me in so many ways to start going in that direction. So far so good. Yesterday at work I was a bit sore from our first
meeting. Not bad really but it was very noticeable when I'd walk from room to room with an armful of files. While I did ok with the weights, he said I was strong, I can't do a very good pushup. I do the girly ones and that's hard enough. Pfffft.....I really need to do weights. I just need some good core strength to build more muscle. As we age, we lose muscle, and I'd like to get some of mine back. Besides, the more muscle we have the more calories we burn, and lately I find I'm not losing weight very easily . So I'm hoping this will get my metabolism back in high gear. Time will tell.

It's only been recently that I feel I have to kind of watch what I eat. I've never been on a diet but I've always eaten pretty healthy avoiding the big bad caloric downfalls. Although I have to admit, chocolate is my downfall. Big time. Just about every day something chocolate has to pass by my lips. I think of it as sort of a supplement for good behavior. The more chocolate I have the happier I am, the better behaved I am. Denial of this supplement only makes me crabby and very jittery. Hey, for some, it's coffee. Not me. I hate coffee, blech! Give me a hit of chocolate and all goes well with the world.

So let's see. Today I ran, had my fix, did a good amount of studying, talked to two out of three sons and didn't argue with the hubby even once. Yes, today was a good day.

Here's hoping tomorrow is as well.

on Mar 10, 2007

Sounds like a great day to me.

I am with you on the chocolate.

When I injured my knee some years back, I had to stop running long distance.  I picked up weights and wow, what a difference.  I ran 6 days a week for at least 45 minutes each time but after so many years of it my body wasn't doing anything up or down weight wise.

When I started weight training, and lifting as heavy as I could and then increasing that as I grew stronger, my body totally reshaped itself.

I pick lifting over endless hours of cardio any day, with better results.

I can't wait to at least start feeling normal again so I can get back to it.

I played a couple hours of tennis today.  My knee is tweaking just from that.  What a wimp;P

on Mar 10, 2007
I ran 6 days a week for at least 45 minutes each time but after so many years of it my body wasn't doing anything up or down weight wise.

right now I'm in the winter mode. I don't run as much and the jeans are not fitting like they do in the summer time. So this might be just what I need to get back in shape.

I pick lifting over endless hours of cardio any day, with better results.

Really? Well maybe I'll be like that too. I've been running for so long tho since at least early 80's but my left knee is starting to give me some trouble. It's hurting now as I sit here and type even. Usually after the first mile I don't notice it. Endorphins maybe? I just run thru it. In the past I've used a knee brace and that does help. Try it when you play tennis, maybe it'll help.

Tennis is fun too. I rarely play but do enjoy it. I'm not that good. I played pickle ball this winter in FL. Have you ever heard of it? It's sort of like tennis but with a paddle and a whiffle ball. It was a ton of fun. We played it at THE VILLAGES.

Maybe when I come back to your neck of the woods we'll play a bit of tennis? Maybe we can get Brian and Amanda to play doubles with us!!!

on Mar 10, 2007
I played pickle ball this winter in FL. Have you ever heard of it? It's sort of like tennis but with a paddle and a whiffle ball.

No, but it sounds fun.

Maybe when I come back to your neck of the woods we'll play a bit of tennis? Maybe we can get Brian and Amanda to play doubles with us!!!

That would be fun. We play at the courts by the YMCA. There is a playground there so my youngest has something to do while we play.

Let me know how your weight training goes. You should start to see real results in about 4 weeks.

When I stopped running and started lifting I only lost 5 pounds but my body changed so much I went from a 6 to a 2. I was happy. Spending less time exercising and getting better results. Guys shoulda let us in on this a looooong time ago! heh
on Mar 11, 2007
Made it into the 60s here.  Not the 70s and 80s I had for the Fund Raiser, but for Va, not bad!  Going into the 70s the middle of this week!