Published on December 23, 2006 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events
Ok, just read this in today's paper and just had to share. It's an AP coming out of Washington, and we know that all things that come out of Washington are drop dead true....LOL.

A poll was taken of 1,000 adults on Dec 12-14 and this is what they've come up with.

-86% believed in Santa as a child.

-More than 60% of those with children at home consider Santa important in their holiday celebrations now.
That's an approval rating President Bush and most in Congress could only dream about these days.

-If Santa were a politican, Catholics and the nonreligious would be his base.

-Santa is important to 60% of Catholics, 51% of those without a religious affliation and 47% of Protestants.

-Nearly half, 47% said Santa detracts from the religious significance of Christmas.

-36% said he enhances the religious nature of the holiday.

-91% of whites believed in Santa as a child while 72% of minorities did.

-1/4 of those now living in households with incomes under $25,000 did not believe in Santa.

-8 is the average age for a child's Santa reality check while 15% hung on to their belief over age 10.

One lady quoted in the paper who now had three grown children, like me, said she brought her kids up to focus on Jesus at the expense of Santa. Now she sees Santa as a symbol of giving, but also one of superheated commercialism.

Ron Montgomery in Louisville, KY said "It's a feeling. It's not like a ghost. It's an attitude."

I also found out when reading this article that there is an elite group that meets occasionally for international conventions. They are called the Amalgamated Order of Real Bearded Santas.

Now I think I've probably heard everything I ever wanted to know about Santa. How about you?

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on Dec 23, 2006
How about you?

on Dec 24, 2006
-1/4 of those now living in households with incomes under $25,000 did not believe in Santa.

We didn't believe in Santa because, umm, when you got a 6 pack of socks split between you and your brother for Christmas and the rich kid got the latest video game console, one of two choices is true: either wealth equates to goodness, or their ain't no Santa. When Mr. "I got the new game system" is shaking you down for your lunch money, it becomes very easy to rule out the first option.
on Dec 24, 2006
"We didn't believe in Santa because, umm, when you got a 6 pack of socks split between you and your brother for Christmas and the rich kid got the latest video game console, one of two choices is true: either wealth equates to goodness, or their ain't no Santa. When Mr. "I got the new game system" is shaking you down for your lunch money, it becomes very easy to rule out the first option."

We hear the exact same argument about God quite often, don't we? The jaded ridicule we weather for the one is just a watered down version of the other, in my opinion. Some people's faith relies solely on the tangible. Usually it is books they can hold and buildings they can sit in, be those bibles or science books, churches or secular institutions.

A child's belief about Santa Claus, and how we treat it as an adult, is to me very indicative of what we, ourselves, require for our own faith. I know two kinds of people who ridicule Santa. Empty atheists and the empty religious. Most everyone else seems to see the value.

P.S. I'm speaking more to the air here, Gid. I consider you of neither party, peculiarly mirroring your politics .
on Dec 24, 2006
P.S. I'm speaking more to the air here, Gid. I consider you of neither party, peculiarly mirroring your politics

Oh, I know, Baker. I just thought the stat was interesting, particularly since I have a good idea of why the belief doesn't hold for a lot of the poor.

I definitely see the value of Santa, and we teach it just like we do any other fairy tale. Our kids know the story, and they can have fun without having to believe.
on Dec 24, 2006
What is his blood pressure?
on Dec 24, 2006
I have searched the net for a smiley - one with Santa being hit with a club or bat and could not find one! Damn! Just about had enough of Santa now..............JK    Getting close though!
on Dec 24, 2006
Bakerstreet, one question we've all been dying to know: what disease is it that you suffer from...Wet diaper or AIDS?
on Dec 25, 2006
Your momma wouldn't tell me, Wallace. Ask her, she's the one spreading it around. She seems to scratch a lot, though.

on Dec 25, 2006
We didn't believe in Santa because, umm, when you got a 6 pack of socks split between you and your brother for Christmas and the rich kid got the latest video game console, one of two choices is true: either wealth equates to goodness, or there ain't no Santa.

What a friggin' downer you must be for your girls, Gid. Happy nothin', huh?
on Dec 25, 2006
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... Bakerstreet, you are a funny cat. I don’t think I can comment or even try to make a comeback to that. Wow, your originality is always so fresh. But let me try, ok? Ok, your mom is so ugly it looks like the ran the 100 yard dash in a 90 yard gym. Thank you for bringing me back to my junior high years, and for answering my question. You should really check out what disease you have, it‘s not good to be left in the dark. Like your momma, who is so fat God couldn’t light the Earth until she moved. Man, it’s contagious.
on Dec 27, 2006
What a friggin' downer you must be for your girls, Gid. Happy nothin', huh?

Uh, they get presents, singr...they just know it's momma and daddy's hard work that gets 'em, not some geriatric dude with a gland problem that exploits "little people" in the name of generosity (said WHOLLY tongue in cheek). When I buy my kids presents, I don't hock their future for them either.

There's absolutely no reason Santa Claus can't be taught as a fairy story.
on Dec 27, 2006
hahahah at least Gid you do have a sense of humor....glad to see someone does around here.

There's absolutely no reason Santa Claus can't be taught as a fairy story.


When I buy my kids presents, I don't hock their future for them either.

and you will look back and be so glad you didn't. *thumbs up*

on Dec 29, 2006
bakerstreet and stevens are very mature.
i'm impressed.
on Dec 29, 2006
Thank you, you should at least capitalize my name though if you are to put me down. Be correct in the process. I know Kennett taught you better then that. Or am I mistaken? I may be.
on Dec 30, 2006
you are mistaken. kennett reed kennett right.
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