Only God knows how many I have left
I don't know but I think I may have had a flashback tonight.
I went running late at the end of the day sometime after 7:00. There was a slight rain and with warm temps I decided what the heck? I might as well. Once wet it doesn't matter to the rest of the run. So I went.
After running in the blistering heat the last few days, the sunless sky and warm rain was refreshing and it didn't take long for me to know that this would be a good run. I decided that it would be dark soon so not wanting to run too late decided I had time for just 4 miles and then be home in time to make a late dinner before my husband came home.
Up ahead at about the 1 1/2 mile marker I saw a dark blue SUV parked on the side of the road. It had those tinted windows so I couldn't really see anybody in the vehicle. Since it was a flat stretch of road I could see this car for about a half a mile before I would be passing it. I kept my eyes on it hoping it would drive off before I reached it. No such luck. I ran closer and closer, and it stayed put.
Now a car on the side of a road for any female runner especially on a lonely stretch of road nowadays is a concern. At night that concern doubles or triples. I would never run on the same side always crossing the street before coming to such vehicles. Tonight tho I was already on the opposite side and kept on going. I glanced in the driver's side window and did see a male behind the wheel. Most likely he pulled over to talk on the phone but I couldn't see well enough to tell.
Why the flashback? Well it was on a summer night at about this time when I was attacked in 1997 while running. I didn't totally flip out tonight mind you......let's just say I was wary.
Since I was doing 4 miles, I turned at the two mile marker and yes, he was still there. I could see him plainly a half mile away, because like I said it was a pretty flat stretch of road. Pretty unusual for the amount of time I thought. I've seen cars like this before but they usually pull out somewhere in the range of my vision while I'm running along.
So normally I would cross the road at this point and keep running facing traffic. This traffic at this time of day is very light with no cars in sight for minutes at a time. This time I turned and stayed on the same side with traffic at my back now. I hate running with traffic behind me, but I'd rather do that than get too close to a strange vehicle parked on the side of the road. So I dreaded going back by this car and was really wishing I had my mace, but I kept on resisting the urge to look back once I passed him. While I did get away by fighting my way out back then I do know that I can't outrun a vehicle or fight more than one person at a time and I had no idea how many were in there.
Of course looking back at it now, it seems foolish. I'm sure this guy was just on the phone and if so, I would applaud him for it. I hate when I see drivers behind the wheel and behind the phone at the same time.
Now I'm wondering.....was I just being paranoid? Concerned? Or was I having a flashback?
So I'm just sitting here thinking . I'm thankful for the gift of another day.