I'm praising God today
Published on May 18, 2006 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Misc
Well I've written about most of the happenings this past week involving my middle son's graduation from VMI in VA. Now comes the rest of the story only this involves my youngest son David.

Some of you know David from his blogging time here on JU. He has since moved away from that, being much too busy with college life and work plus trying to keep Aly smiling (which is not a hard thing to do).

He and Aly came to most of the events planned for the grads and their parents. At one point on Sunday they headed back to Lynchburg to take care of last minute end of school stuff before they head home for the summer. David also had to work a double shift that day. He got out early about 8:30 and then had to help Aly move her furniture into her new home for next semester. Of course David was not happy about doing this after working all day, but he did and about midnight or so they finished but not before she had him run to Walmart for a doorknob.

Since Lexington is about an hour or so away from Lynchburg and it was well past 1 am it was too late for the trip to our hotel. So with two floors in her new apt she offered a couch for David to sleep on. They have agreed they would never put themselves in a compromising situation both making the decision to wait until marriage. The gentleman that he is, he declined. He said he would sleep in her car. She would not give him her keys, because she felt so bad, so he settled in on the sidewalk. Once he makes up his mind. That's it. No changing it. After arguing she gave in and he slept in her car and she went inside. So they basically got two or three hours of sleep because they had to pick me up at 8 am while my husband went to Goshen to pick up Brian's girlfriend for the commissioning.

Ok so now we've got two very tired kids but they made it on time and the day went well as I already blogged about. The next day would be the final day of graduation. After that Aly wanted to start their roadtrip to Chicago. David was going to drive her there and then fly home. Well he felt they should leave after a fresh night and start on the road Wed morning. We knew it was going to be Aly who won this battle. She did and so they started on their way about 3:30 an hour or so after graduation was over.

So here we are about 8 pm or so in the hotel packing up ourselves getting ready to head home in the am. We get a call from David. They had a very bad car accident. The car is totaled. He didn't say anything about Aly and he sounded awful. "No Aly is ok" he said when I asked. They both had bumps and bruises. David was bleeding from the head and his arm was swollen from putting his arm out in a protective way in front of her and he got slammed with the airbag.

Somehow he managed to get them into a hotel after calling a cab. They checked in and he was trying to figure out the sleeping arrangments. He said he would not sleep in the room the same as what had happened at her apartment. Only now he had no car to sleep in. She had already called her Dad and both her parents were very ok with David staying with her (double beds) but David being as he is was still refusing to stay in the same room, and I know he was exhausted. I told him that they needed to keep an eye on each other. These are extenuating circumstances. They were both in shock still.

Tonight I head the whole story, and it's quite a story.

It had been raining hard but had stopped minutes before the accident. They had just gone through the toll booth and had gone maybe 50 meters was David's estimation when he lost control of the car. He spun around and hit the cement barrier I think on the left. After hitting that hard, he crossed four lanes into the opposite barrier hitting the other side. While they were spinning around both of them were praying aloud for safety. When the car stopped, almost at that exact second a couple of semi's whizzed right past them. If it had been just a fraction of a second sooner they would have been involved in much more than this single car accident they had. Another vehicle also sped by them and immediately put on his brakes to help them. This happened about 6 pm still quite a busy time of the day for traffic.

The police and ambulance came, but all they had were cuts and bruises and no other car involved. No limbs broken. David looked at the situation. The car was totaled, the whole front end damaged. A tow truck was called as well as the cab. He was shocked to see then had they gone about another 20 or 30 meters or so there would have been no cement barrier. Instead what they would have found was basically a ravine, and very steep. They would have gone down quite a ways and most certainly would have been killed.

The first thing Aly said when she understood what had just happened was this: "David, God must have a plan for us." She told me she felt God and saw God in all of this.

I know exactly what she means. I also was involved in a car accident a few years back. After getting out of my car and seeing the other car in a ditch with his front end a mess, I looked and I didn't have even a scratch on my car. I was asked by the people coming out of their cars what I thought of that. I said it was a God thing. He's gotten me out of more than one scrape.

God must have a plan for me too.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 19, 2006
Glad to hear that everything is okay. Your son does sound like the consummate gentleman. Congrats on raising what sounds like a great kid.

Hope that they're all okay, and they come to see what God's hand is in this whole thing. I'm sure it will become clear, if not in this life, then in the next.
on May 19, 2006
Wow, what a story, you can be very thankful that they werent hurt badly, and I too believe it's a miracle and a sign that God has greater plans in store for them.
on May 19, 2006
David and Aly are ok.  How about mom and dad?  I know how I would feel if it was my son.  I guess this is your way of saying you are ok now as well.
on May 19, 2006

I guess there must be a plan for me too, then.  The accident you describe is very similar to the one I had, except I got hid head on by a semi.

Looking at the wreckage of my truck, you'd never believe that I lived to tell the story of how the damage happened.

But I did.  Now all I have to do is figure out why I'm still here.

on May 19, 2006
Actually LW I think you make some valid points.

I too think the whole, can't sleep on the couch thing was a little over the top. Unless of course he was so consumed with desire he felt the need to flee. Then I get it.

I am glad they are ok. But if you look for the lesson in all things...and usually there are more than one...from what you've said here I can see more, I think it speaks to a bit of legalism, a bit to submitting to her "future" husband. (Lets face it if she would have followed his mind they would have left the next morning.) And it speaks to his leadership in the relationship and those are the most obvious to me....

The great lesson I believe is, after all the drama of NOT sleeping in the same apartment, they ended up sharing a ROOM the very next night. Perhaps God was showing them that with Him ALL things are possible...including SELF CONTROL!

Extenuating circumstances? Yes. But I would submit they were on BOTH nights, not just after the accident.
on May 19, 2006
Am I now vindicated on picking on Dave's driving?

All kidding aside... glad they're ok. God's fingerprints are all over it... Can't wait to see them both!
on May 19, 2006
First of all I want to say that I am truly glad noone got seriously injured. Secondly, God must have plans for a lot of people by this account because I know tons of people, myself included, that have very similar stories. Lastly, I hoped they learned a lesson about driving while tired. There have been many studies that show that driving while tired is as dangerous as driving drunk.

I'm glad it wasn't a "fatal accident right after graduation" story.

Best wishes.
on May 19, 2006
That's a good point LW...but scripture also talks about the "appearance" of evil...basically, "don't give them something to talk about." So I can see why he may have thought such lengths were necessary. Meaning, he is young and immature with little life experience...and drama always seems to go hand in hand with that...at least it did for ME.

I do agree it was dramatic, and without the drama and some self control things may have turned out totally different, and perfectly acceptable.

KFC is a mom and I always let other moms brag on their kids. Mostly because they let me do the same thing..hahaha. She loves the Lord Whip, with all her heart, so when one of her children are zealous for God she wants to brag on them....probably more than any accomplishment they can or will ever do in life..she won't brag on that thing as much as the things they do for God.

He's young...and if this is his worst problem...then I think he's probably gonna be OK.

on May 19, 2006

The point of the story was not about my pride or their being Phariseeic at all. I do believe God blesses those who glorify him. I do believe he has a plan for them. I do believe he had a hand in the whole situation. David is only 20. He is, as Tova said quite well, trying his best to avoid all appearances of evil. Because that part of the story was not my main idea, I did not elaborate on it. But the school they attend has a very strict policy involvng boys and girls in the same dorms. This is something they can get in serious trouble over. What they have chosen to do is trust that there is a better way for them than what they see all their friends doing. They have a plan before they need it, and one part of that is not to put themselves into a compromising situation.

David's biggest fault (really) is he is the most hard headed kid I've ever known. I think HC can attest to this. Many times over the years I've had to excuse myself and say I'll be right back after I bang my head against the wall. He drives me nuts. But I do see improvement. Once he has a grip on an idea, that's it. In this case, as his mom I am very glad it's on this side of sex instead of the other. He is a good kid and I am proud of him. So shoot me.

Also LW he wasn't as tired as you are thinking. I do think it could have been a contributing factor but he wasn't exhausted. When I said they were tired, it was on Monday. The sidewalk incident was on Sunday night. He left on Tuesday afternoon after a good night's sleep on Monday night.. The accident was about 6 pm Tuesday. We believe there was more than one factor involved. Slick roads, poor tires, driver inexperience, maybe even a bit of cockiness (he thinks he's a great driver) and a very busy weekend that would lend him to not being as sharp as he could have been if he left the next morning.

Would it make you feel better LW if I tried to dish out dirt on my son? Because that's what I feel as I read what you wrote. I'm just being blunt here as well.

Am I now vindicated on picking on Dave's driving?

go for it girlie....can you just see the grin on his face now?

on May 20, 2006
Im sure the mothers of Pharisees were equally proud. Isnt one of the seven deadly sins PRIDE

True, true. My gal pal and I had this EXACT same conversation some time ago. We were reading Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, the chapter on pride. We met over lunch to discuss it.

I believe pride of any nature is ungodly. Because pride most often insinuates comparison...and we are not to compare ourselves against any but Christ. And when we do that, well heh, there is NOTHING to brag about.

It is difficult to phrase what I feel for my kids, pride is often the easiest to understand. For example, my youngest has a speech delay. So he is BEHIND all the other kids his age in the way he talks and the amount of words he uses. Yet when he learns to enunciate a word perfectly, I am proud of him. Proud of him compared to his previous performance....yet I do believe any pride, even something as mundane as that...can open the door to serious pride issues.

So maybe I should say I am thankful and happy he is working so hard instead of being proud....

Anyway, at the end of the lunch we both walked away thinking about how we use the word, and how we apply it.

KFC...you are called arrogant and prideful on JU. You already know this right? hahaha

The truth is I can see those things easily when I read what you write. I have a choice, I can see it that way, or see it as you loving God so much believing anything "non believers" say about your style could hinder your walk, or worse keep you from your intended purpose.

I choose to believe the second because I do think you have a heart for God.

Others though, are not going to see it that way. Mostly because you don't ever write about your personal struggles with your walk, or anything human about it much. If you look back over your articles you will see, preaching, teaching, and exhorting your children. But there's not a real human, struggle, having a hard time with this kind of thing, today was horrible, etc...(unless I missed it ).

So what does that lead people to think who read what you write but don't believe Jesus is Lord?

At the very least it makes them think you are faking or hiding something because no one's life is without failures, pain, etc. And then to speak about any situation from that lofty position comes off as arrogant. Preaching from the mountaintop when most are in the valley, only leaves your words puffs of breath on the wind.

If God is truly strong when we are weakest, perhaps sharing more of your weaker moments, things people can identify with, would glorify Him.

Just a thought.
on May 20, 2006
If God is truly strong when we are weakest, perhaps sharing more of your weaker moments, things people can identify with, would glorify Him.

I understand what you are saying Tova. But remember I've only been here on JU for six months. At this point in my life all is well. I have very little struggles and/or issues. Or at least large problems. I'd have to be doing some making up to do just what you are wanting to hear. And I have put down, in the rare occasions I write personally,where I have missed the mark. Like my Sarah article for instance. But God gave us another chance. How about when I was attacked? Again, did I write about how I got away because I was soooooo good? Or was it because I was sooooo strong? No. I gave God the credit.

The other thing is that I don't write alot of personal stuff. When I do, I choose to share my joy, not my pain (not that I have that right now).

I think Oprah Winfrey said it best. She said when you're down and out, many reach out to lift you up and help you up that mountain. When you're at the peak and really feeling well about yourself and all that you are (in my case in Christ) the same people that helped you up, are ready to tear you down right off that mountaintop.

My subtitle for this article right from the get go was about praising God. All that I have I know is because of HIM. I'm clear about that.

Again, the main part of this article was not about how good David is but how good God is. God honors those who honor him. That's all.

I'm sorry I didn't get my point across as effectively as I hoped.

on May 20, 2006

From these descriptions we were to extrapolate that this was a girls-only dormitory building that could cause her to get in trouble at school if a man was found to have spent the night there? Im still unclear on that, because if that was the case, wouldnt there be a curfew on visitors as well?

Yes to both. The rule is the same for apartments or dorms. It is not appropriate for boys to be in the girls dorms/apts and visa versa at anytime. Not because they think the kids are necessarily having sex but because the appearance is not appropriate for a Christian single girl to have boys alone in her apt/dorm. Sex happens and it's just a precaution not to get oneself into a compromising situation.

when what he was actually doing was simply protecting the image of purity.

whether he was trying to protect his purity or the image of his purity I guess both would be a good thing. So I'm not sure why you would consider it bad either way.

Character rremember is not what you show others you are, but what you are when nobody is around to see.

Nobody would have known or seen him that night. He wasn't bragging about this. He was just explaining why he was so tired and scruffy looking. It shows in the pics.

And because I tend to be very detailed oriented I put it into the story. That's it.
on May 20, 2006
I'm sorry I didn't get my point across as effectively as I hoped.

You got your point across KFC...I didn't mean to imply you didn't....I was actually getting off topic a bit and didn't mean to offend you.

No one is trying to tear you down...at least that I can see...and I'm certainly not. I think its wonderful you are "on the mountain top."

I understand you may not want to write personal stuff....and that's fine...but imho being a witness for Christ is about sharing His heart by sharing yours (general). How do you do that without being "real" to people?

I remember your article about being attacked. For some reason I think about it often, maybe because I live by a country road like you describe, maybe because my husband is such a runner. But I also remember you wrote it after some heated debate on another article...one in which people called you arrogant.

I thought about why you didn't get a lot of replies to the "attacked" story....and I could be wrong, but I think its because you weren't personable to people yet. People didn't know what to say or didn't want to stop believing what they'd already made up in their mind about you.

Lets look at Christ. When he met people, did he quote scripture right off the bat? He was all about relationship. Even when a man's son was having seizures at his feet, Jesus calmly engaged the father first before healing the son...relationship.

All I was suggesting is you might be more useful as a human being to God than as a "perceived" saint with no life problems...even if you have to go back in your past to help share your faith. Like you've mentioned being a part of many diff religions....describing that journey, your questions, your answers, all of it would be a powerful testimony. And I can't help but believe it would touch someone's heart with familiarity and perhaps ring a bell or two.

As for Oprah...well Oprah doesn't believe in hell either..so I wouldn't take what she says to the bank.

on May 21, 2006
understand you may not want to write personal stuff....and that's fine...but imho being a witness for Christ is about sharing His heart by sharing yours (general). How do you do that without being "real" to people?

oh Tova, you don't know us Yankees too well.....hahahah. We don't open up that easy. It takes us a while to "warm" up.

I was actually getting off topic a bit and didn't mean to offend you.

you never offend me Tova. Don't worry about that k?

but imho being a witness for Christ is about sharing His heart by sharing yours (general

geeeeese Louise I thought I was doing that.

Lets look at Christ. When he met people, did he quote scripture right off the bat

Did I do that?

I thought about why you didn't get a lot of replies to the "attacked" story

probably just not controversial enough. People like controversy.

"perceived" saint

this is easy to refute. I'm not that by any stretch. And going back to my past? I mostly don't like to do that unless it's relevant to something that comes up. And I probably have from time to time as warranted here on JU. I don't especially dwell on past anythings. I'm too klutsy to be looking back. I need my eyes front and center. But I can chew gum and walk pretty good.....

Oprah doesn't believe in hell either..so I wouldn't take what she says to the bank

no I don't. I agree with ya , but what she said does have truth in it and for some reason popped into my head. I heard her say that years ago. I haven't watched her in years.

I think its wonderful you are "on the mountain top."

ya, and Tova, my dream is to pull people up with me. I want others to share the joy I have. Alot of things in life we have no choice in but we can choose to be joyful. It may be work but it can be done no matter the circumstances we're in. And it can be very contagious....not sure about here on JU but it is in real life.

I really like talking with you. Thanks for your input.


P.S. I'm going to try and send you some pics. Check your e-mail.

on May 22, 2006
Ohhhh! I just wrote a really long reply and JU ate it....I forgot to copy if first!! GRRRRRRRR!
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