Fun, Fellowship & Laughter
Published on March 6, 2006 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Personal Relationships
What a night!! It was crisp and chilly but not bone chilling. The stars were out. A good thing too because I went on a sleigh ride tonight. It was alot of fun. We crammed 14 ladies into this sleigh and huddled under blankets and sang as we were pulled along by two beautiful horses along a resort area in the tourist town we live in.

We stopped to see the sites along the way. We saw the deer they have fenced in; imported from Europe. These were not your normal run of the mill deer. I see deer...a dime a dozen in my neck of the woods. No these deer were very light colored, many of them albino white . We were invited to feed them and that we did. The deer all came running to the fence and more than welcomed the corn and grain we scooped from a large bucket on our side of the fence. They enjoyed the company as well. The trick was to try and reach the babies but the bucks were discouraging that as they wanted the food for themselves. My hands were slimy when I was done with that task. But it was fun. Not every day you have white deer slime on your fingers.

We continued along and glided around a very large skating pond with a beautiful white bridge that crosses over it. There were about a dozen or so skaters out and about the brightly lit and well maintained skating pond. Everything all over the place was lit up with white lights. We eventually went over that bridge and felt the wind pick up as we did so. Brrrrrrrr it was more than a bit chilly then. Feet were starting to go numb and those that took off mittens to feed the deer were starting to feel their fingers go numb as well.

The ride was over and we found ourselves back at the gazebo where we started and jumped off the sleigh. Some stayed to pet the horses that pulled us along and others ran for the fire that would welcome us back. "Watch your mittens" I heard the driver say to the ladies that stayed behind as I was one that was running for the fire. "They like to take them off your hands" he said.

It was a night about friendship, fellowship and fun. It was a welcome change from the everyday duties that can make everyday seem like the other. We need to do this once in a while; a get away from the phones, computers, fax machines, dishwashers, and cranky people in our lives and kick our heels up and enjoy each other as we remember what it's like to be a kid again. I forget how much fun it was to be a kid and then I was like tonight.

A friend is a person who sees through you and still enjoys the view.

on Mar 07, 2006
"A friend is a person who sees through you and still enjoys the view."
That one was my favorite

That night was alot of fun. I think what I liked most about it though, was seeing all the women I've come to know fairly well act HAPPY. Not stressed over family problems, health issues, or in some serious religious debate with one another. You were all having fun and enjoying each other's company. I just loved seeing that.
on Mar 07, 2006
on Mar 07, 2006

Sounds like a great time.

Glad you enjoyed it.

on Mar 07, 2006
thank you for the enjoyment you shared with me just now.
on Mar 07, 2006
Sounds like you enjoyed a Winter Wonderland. Sounds great!

I know what you mean about just getting away from it all every once in a while. I got to be a kid again quite a few times and get a smile every time I remember those times. Paint ball, putt-putt golf, making snowmen, and just taking time to be silly.

Getting older is mandatory but growing up is optional I say, never lose track of the child within. That's one cool thing about having kids, you have an excuse to play with Legos, Barbies and all the great childhood games.
on Mar 07, 2006
hmmmm paintball? Now that sounds rather interesting. Something I haven't tried yet. I say yet....cuz I just might light to try that. I imagine I wouldn't be too good at it aim is horrible.

Lately I've taken up downhill skiing, cross country skiing and skating. I haven't skated since I was in my 20's and picked it up fairly well and downhill skiing? Well I'm thinking I was 18 when I last did that and it's a bit scary to go back to that sport after a long absence. It's not as easy as the skating. I think standing at the top of a mountain and looking down is very scary. I end up half on my butt, even losing my skis from time to time going down the mountain.....laughing my butt off the whole time. My friends and I do have a good time tho and that's really the most important part anyhow. Mostly they are laughing at me as I'm collecting snow on the way sight to behold I'm sure but fun nonetheless.

on Mar 07, 2006
KFC, paintball is fun whether you can aim or not. I highly recommend it!

I commend you for downhill skiing after so many years. I haven't been skiing in ages either. I'm a chicken about feeling out of control and believe me, I am out of control going down a hill on skis

Laughing at yourself is a big part of the fun though. I do it all the time
on Mar 07, 2006
You were all having fun and enjoying each other's company. I just loved seeing that.

I'm glad you came to see us enjoy that. I hope you had fun as well.

I'm a chicken about feeling out of control and believe me, I am out of control going down a hill on skis

well Jill, you just about described me in a nutshell here going down the mountain. Out of control and not liking it too much. I usually make myself fall on purpose to slow down. I'm not too good at the plowing thing. About all I can do is laugh....I can't ski. But I