To Believe or Not to Believe
Published on December 16, 2005 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Religion
Another blogger here on JU and I are studying the book of Genesis. Yes, this is the biblical account of the beginnings of the world. Genesis means "beginning or origin." Of course we all know that scripture is without controversy.....LOL. But Genesis as well as the book of Revelation seem to be the most attacked books of the whole bible. The reason in my estimation? These two books chronicle our beginning and our ending. Of course in both we can see God as responsible for this. And we also can quite clearly see the demise of the evil one (Satan). So to take us away from that, he's doing all he can do (behind the scenes) to throw up roadblocks to get us to turn away from what the words say in these books in particular.

So since I'm on the top 10 kick (feel like David Letterman a bit) thought I'd do the same with Genesis. Here's my top ten listing on the book of Genesis.

1. Genesis Affirms the Existence of God.

2. Genesis Affirms the Power of God.

3. Genesis Affirms the Personality of God.

4. Genesis Affirms the Purposefulness of God.

5. Genesis Affirms the Sustaining Providence of God.

6. Genesis Affirms that God Made Man and Woman in His Likeness

7. Genesis Affirms that We Were Made For Relationships

8. Genesis Affirms that Disorder is the Result Of a Rebellion

9. Genesis Affirms God's Desire to Reclaim What Has Been Lost

10. Genesis Affirms God's Commitment To Restore What Has Been Lost

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 24, 2005
Well I think Christ did the conquering.....we just need to follow him. And accept that he did it for us. After all he's considered the Conquerer....we are too but only in Him.

Yes, I agree. As Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” Christ has already conquered the ultimate obstacles (death and evil). Yet we still have our own personal trials and tribulations to conquer throughout daily life. The good news is that we aren’t alone. Jesus is with us always, and He will support us, guide us and light our way – if we will but trust Him and let Him lead.

But there will be a new heaven and a new earth coming down so I'm not too sure how this all fits together.

We’re still only glimpsing parts of the big picture though, KFC. Rest assured all the pieces will fit together at the end of the day. (We'll certainly get a better perspective beyond the veil of death, where things will make fantastic sense.) In the meantime, I think the following words from Isaac Newton, although spoken from within a scientific context, can also be applied to our understanding of religious revelations, which aim to shed light on God’s epic and all-wise plan: "To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me."
on Dec 24, 2005
Yet we still have our own personal trials and tribulations to conquer throughout daily life. The good news is that we aren’t alone. Jesus is with us always, and He will support us, guide us and light our way – if we will but trust Him and let Him lead.

Very nicely said.....I couldn't agree more.

We’re still only glimpsing parts of the big picture though

yes, God gave us what he wanted us to know for now. Looking back at the past I can see that God sheds more and more light as time goes by. It's like he gives us a bit more to go on. Going back to the 1500-1700's when I read Luther, Calvin and Henry etc I can see they could only bring us so far and more things had to be discovered before more unlocking could be done.

(quote]To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me."

I love this!!!! Thanks for that. So true..

He replied, “But it’s God’s will, not mine. Islam is the true religion.”

See, there is no true religion!! They all think they have a corner on the truth. It's not about us or what group we belong to. It's all about the one holding the keys. Jesus said....."Who do you say that I am?" That's the question of all time. What are we going to do with JESUS!!! He is the truth. So you go to these groups and find out what they say about HIM. That's the key.

The Mormons have their Book of Mormon, the Adventist have the writings of Ellen White, the JW's have their watchtower and their own bible (the New World Standard), the Muslims have their Qur"an, the Swedenborgs have their 37 (?) volumes of Swendenborg.....etc.

Who's right? They can't all be. It'd be like saying 1+1=1.....1+1=5.......1+1=6 etc. It can't all be true.

it might be worth checking out some books written by former Christians

A true Christian never becomes a "former Christian." It means they called themselves Christian but in name only. If you are "born" a Christian (by the spirit) you cannot become unborn. Once born always born. The physical is a picture of the spiritual. Just like we are born physically we also are born spiritually. Once born you cannot go back and be unborn any more than you can go back into your mother's womb.

Tho "The Age of Reason" sounds interesting to me.


on Dec 26, 2005
Hi KFC, Happy Christmas to you, and to everyone at JU too!!! Hope you've had a good one so far,

A true Christian never becomes a "former Christian." It means they called themselves Christian but in name only. If you are "born" a Christian (by the spirit) you cannot become unborn. Once born always born. The physical is a picture of the spiritual. Just like we are born physically we also are born spiritually. Once born you cannot go back and be unborn any more than you can go back into your mother's womb.

I completely agree with you. It struck me while reading those books that the authors hadn't found Jesus in the first place at all. Otherwise they wouldn't have expressed such misguided, spiritless views. However, I found many valid points in those books which highlighted the small-mindedness and irrationality of extreme fundamentalism. 'Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist', in particular. The most intellectually mature of the batch was ‘All in the Mind: A Farewell to God’, by Ludovic Kennedy. Although Kennedy appeared very mature intellectually, spiritually he was a mere youngster and didn't grasp the deeper principles of Christianity.

See, there is no true religion!! They all think they have a corner on the truth. It's not about us or what group we belong to. It's all about the one holding the keys. Jesus said....."Who do you say that I am?" That's the question of all time. What are we going to do with JESUS!!! He is the truth. So you go to these groups and find out what they say about HIM. That's the key.

I can see what you're saying. But Christianity is the only religion which claims that Jesus is divine. In this sense, the religion we choose to follow will determine our thoughts about Jesus. In turn, I believe that the religion we choose to follow primarily depends on where we were born. It's still the same principle, in my view.

The Mormons have their Book of Mormon, the Adventist have the writings of Ellen White, the JW's have their watchtower and their own bible (the New World Standard), the Muslims have their Qur"an, the Swedenborgs have their 37 (?) volumes of Swendenborg.....etc.

Who's right? They can't all be. It'd be like saying 1+1=1.....1+1=5.......1+1=6 etc. It can't all be true.

The underlying messages can be right, and in this sense they can all be true. That's the part that I'm more interested in. (i.e. God exists; there's transcendent purpose to life; death is not the end; the fundamental dimension of reality is divine Spirit, etc. etc.) All our world religions express such truths, and there is deep common ground to be found. All our religions are in touch with the same God, is what I believe.
on Dec 28, 2005
But Christianity is the only religion which claims that Jesus is divine. In this sense, the religion we choose to follow will determine our thoughts about Jesus. In turn, I believe that the religion we choose to follow primarily depends on where we were born. It's still the same principle, in my view.

Reminds me of Joshua who said..."Choose you this day whom you will serve (follow) for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

There are many people who were born in various cults and non Christian religions that have found Jesus. So I don't think it matters how you start the game of life. It's how you end it that matters. Look at Abraham as an example. God called him out of false religion to follow him. And he became the father of many nations and the one God used to start the Hebrew family.

In scripture God pleads...."Come out of HER (false religion) and be separate."

So if Christianity is the only "religion" that says Jesus is God....then it goes to follow that Christianity is where we should be. Now having said that......just because a "group" calls themselves "Christian" doesn't necessarily say they are. There is alot of deception out there. Satan is a clever devil. He doesn't care if we're religious. He just doesn't want us in communication with God...via reading his word and praying and meditating. There are many religious people out there that Jesus is going to say..."I never knew you."

My goal is to hear the words...."Well done, good and faithful servant." A goal worth striving my view.

on Jan 02, 2006
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me."

Reminds me of something...

Saint Augustine was walking the seashore one day, pondering the majesty of God. He saw a small boy who had dug a hole in the sand. The boy kept rushing down to the ocean, scooping up water in a seashell, and then scrambling back to pour the water into the hole he had dug.

"What are you doing?" Augustine asked him.

"I'm going to pour the sea into that hole," the boy said.

Ah, Augustine thought. That is what I have been trying to do. Standing on the ocean of infinity, I have tried to grasp it with my finite mind.

We can only receive a glimpse of God in this life... but woe to those who have seen the truth, even a glimpse of it, and walk away unchanged. And shame on us if we don't share the truth with those who are perishing. There was something about the cross of Christ that made every witness either step toward it, or away from it. It simultaneously compelled and repelled. So it is today... to quote Max Lucado, "It's the watershed. It's the Continental Divide. It's Normandy. And you are either on one side or the other. A choice is demanded. We can do what we want with the cross. We can examine its history. We can study it's theology. We can reflect upon its prophecies. Yet the one thing we can't do is walk away in neutral." There is no fence sitting when it comes to the cross. The question is... on which side are you?
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