Wow. Just wow!
Talk about serious foot in mouth disease. Helen Thomas really has it bad.
My 92 year old grandmother says when you get very old you can say anything you wish because people will just laugh thinking you're senile and just blow you off. In other words, you're supposed to be able to say things as an old person you'd never get away with when you're younger.
I was looking forward to those future days because it's one of the few things I can think of that is a postive in getting older.
Looks like that's not the case anymore by looking at today's news.
Helen Thomas, almost 90 years old, is being forced into retirement because of her latest anti-Semetic comment that is just, well, inexcusable. Her resignation is effective immediately. Seems like everyone is in agreement over this one so far. And no wonder. Did you hear what she said?
I'm reminded it's not how you start a race that's important. It's all in the finish. This finish ended badly.