No One Is Allowed To Cry At This Party
Published on January 20, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

My, what a difference four years makes.  How many remember the last inauguration? 

How many remember that Bush was asked to tone down his pomp and circumstance in 2005?  By the Democrats of course.  Today I'm not hearing any such outcry from the Dems for the most lavish inauguration celebration on record.  Some are estimating the bill for this "party" will be upwards to $150 million. 

Excuse me but I thought we were in some sort of recession?  How can they cry recession on one hand and then break records by throwing such a lavish excessive bash like this?  What is this saying to the American people?  This morning I saw on the news the top 260 donors to Obama's campaign were getting wined and dined as they showed up in their minks and limos.  All this going on as Obama tells the American people he's for the little guy?  There among the rich and elite getting preferential treatment were  the rich bankers who received bailout money.  Huh?   

Am I missing something?  Where's the outcry?  Why isn't there anything being written about  all this excessiveness during such a bad economy?  What about the "little guy" you've been wooing Obama?  Just more political rhetoric?  Where's the accountability? 

In 1945 President Roosevelt held a very short inauguration, making a short speech and serving his guest chicken salad and plain poundcake. 

How many know who brought this very fact up recently?  Recently as in the last four years? 

Let me tell you.  It was a couple of Representatives from the Democratic party, who in 2005, wrote a letter to President Bush.  Their names were Anthony Weiner D-NY and Jim McDermott D-Wash.  In their letter to admonish the President from spending too much at his upcoming bash they also said this: 

“During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified.”

The thinking back then was that during a war excessive spending on a ball was inappropriate.  Forget about how many balls will there be today?  These two hard working Reps, of our day, only thinking of the American public  thought it would be nice to remind President Bush via a letter that it wouldn't look to good to spend too much money on his inauguration.   You know given the soldiers in Iraq and everything.  It wouldn't be dignified.   

I actually agree with them.  Being quite frugal myself I really don't have a problem with their letter.  What I do have a problem with is hypocrisy. 

Now here we are four years later with our soldiers still in Iraq, unemployment higher than ever and the new President Elect pressing Congress for the remainder of the $700 billion in reserves for the bailout because our economy is falling quicker than a brick dropped from a ten story window.  I think these Reps have conveniently forgotten what they wrote to President Bush four years ago. It would make me feel a whole lot better if they wrote the same letter this time addressing Mr. Obama. 

Alas, forgetfulness sprinkled with lots of hypocrisy seems to be a prerequisite for running for office. 

I'm not sure all that we, as taxpayers, have to incur to put on this very fancy celebration. I'd be interested in the dollar amount at the end of the day, wouldn't you?   I do know that all the costs concerning security and transportation will be ours to bear not to mention those hired to clean up probably the biggest mess ever on record to follow the biggest  party ever on record. 

Good Grief.  Gimmie a break! 






Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 23, 2009

well it depends on who you ask. Every single article I've read online or in local newspapers say that Obama's pricetag was much heftier than Bush's. And the economy today is much worse than it was 4 years ago.

I don't disagree that the economy is worse that is been --, but the Inaug brought more than $1B to the DC area -- that's a huge economic stimulus for this region.  Also, I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on the numbers -- everywhere I've seen the comparison, they are comparing part of the Bush cost with the full Obama cost -- not really apples to apples.

So let's see if I have liberal thinking right. If you are out of work, with no money coming in, dont throw a party for a few people for a few hundred dollars. Throw one for 100 people for a few thousand! Then the per person cost to you is less, so you are saving money!

Yep, sounds liberal to me.

Dr. Guy --You asked for a link to back up the Bush numbers and I provided a NY Times article.   The Obama inaug. is expected to cost $3m more than the Bush one -- which is a huge difference that what this article stated in the being.   You can disagree with the article -- but insulting me is simply childish.

on Jan 23, 2009

Dr. Guy --You asked for a link to back up the Bush numbers and I provided a NY Times article.

Uh, no I did not ask for a link about a per head count.  The $115 that "DC" spent is not included in the figure of $150 million that Obama was spending.  SInce the 40 and 115 comes from PRIVATE money and is not part of the GOVERNMENT money.  As someone else said today, lies, damn lies and then just bad attempts at manipulating statistics.

I insulted you?  So calling you a liberal is now insulting?  Imagine that!

And only if you took it personally, since I quoted Media Matters and commented on them.  Sorry, I did not know you were media matters.  Shock, surprise wow.

on Jan 24, 2009

Dr. Guy -- the NY Times number was not a per head count.  It was the $157M.  No where does it say that the $150-$160M for Obama is just fundraised money -- it says total -- including all the money that DC, VA and MD spent on the event.   Instead of telling me my sources are wrong, why don't you provide some of your own showing that the $115 (?) was PRIVATE money as you stated.  Until then, I wouldn't accuse others of lies or statistics manipulation.



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