They Make Absolutely No Sense
Published on September 11, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Democrat

Liberals just don't make any sense to me.  I've tried.  I'm surrounded by them as many family members are Liberals.  They seem to be quite opionated but they lack substance.  They don't go deep and it's frustrating trying to reason with them.  They believe what they believe cuz they believe it to be true.  When you try to get to the foundation of what they believe you find......there is no foundation.  Heck, they don't even have a slab! 

Lately, as in the last day or two,  I've noticed the stepping up of attacks on Palin by the left.  I'm not surprised.  They're running scared.  From what I understand Alaska is teaming with the Liberal media right now trying to get the latest dirt on Sarah.  Don't they realize how foolish they look?   Don't they get the more they trash her, the more they look bad?   

Then there's big mouth Biden.  Yep.  The word on the street was it was only a matter of time before Biden opens his mouth and gets himself in trouble. 

Biden is suggesting that Palin would be a better advocate for disabled children if she supported stem-cell research like he does.  Is he even hinting at the fact that she might be unfit because she gave birth to a Down Syndrome baby when she didn't have to? 

At a town hall meeting recently in Missouri he took a jab at Palin for opposing human embryonic stem cell research.  He said:

"I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have both the joy – because there's joy to it as well – the joy and difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability, who were born with a birth defect," Biden said. "Well guess what, folks? If you care about it, why don't you support stem-cell research?"

Well, this statement fits right in with Biden's values and morals.  So no surprise there. The problem is he just doesn't get it that people like the Palin family have principles and morals they live by.  They have a firm foundation on which they stand that does not sway or shift with every gust of wind.  I'm sure it makes no sense to Palin to have untold numbers  of children aborted  in order to ensure her child was born perfect in every way. 

 If Sarah were told there was a cure for her unborn Down Syndrome baby by using embryonic stem cells,  I'm sure she wouldn't do it.  It's the same fortitude as standing up behind your pregnant teenage daughter by not advocating abortion during a very delicate time.  When push comes to shove she's going to stand  tall because her roots go deep.   She stands by what she says and the Dems just don't understand this, because they have no substance behind their beliefs.  It's all based on what's good for them at the moment.  They don't mean what they say.  They just say it.  And it changes with the wind.  They have no foundation on which to stand.   They sway to and fro like those big tumbleweeds in the desert.

So here we have Biden accusing Palin of being a half-hearted pro-lifer when he's in trouble with his own Catholic Church because he advocates abortion.  Biden whole heartedly supports abortion and embroyonic stem-cell research, both of which are strictly opposed by the denomination he is affiliated, showing his hypocrisy while he points a very shaky finger at Palin.   He has no foundation to stand on.  None.  Yet he opens his mouth and speaks on his very sandy soapbox thinking he's making perfect sense.

I just don't get it. 

Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall. 



Comments (Page 9)
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on Feb 11, 2009

It's a common theme held in animal-testing circles. Animal testing can't be wrong because they made use of the tests. Well, lets strap humans up and test on them then! Unfortunately the Nazis did, and whether or not results come from testing on humans or animals, the ends never ever justify the means.

I guess you'd like the first heart transplant to be tried on a human?  The first kidney transplant?  You'd rather sacrifice humans than pigs or dogs?  Rather live with 17th-century healthcare?  Help yourself to the plague, TB, scrofula, gangrene.  The whole 'animal-testing-is-cruelty' argument is silly, considering the routine slaughter of animals for food.  And that's not a problem; the only modern difference is that we've organized the slaughter for the masses rather than small groups hunting & slaughtering for themselves.  Life is hard, sometimes it sucks, and if animal research serves to improve the health and longevity of humans, so be it, and bless the animals' souls if you consider them to have them.

on Feb 13, 2009

Well maybe if your "staunch" Baptist parents allowed you to pay the consequences in a different way and give birth to the child you would have been too busy and tired to even think about having sex especially with the "reminder" spitting up on you every day.   

I've told you before....I don't care if I had 10 children who ALL went astray......truth is truth.  I would still stand by my belief that abstinance is the ONLY right way to go.  There are always exceptions to every rule.  For every wayward child going to the altar pregnant  that I've seen personally.......I've seen many more that did not because they took the vow of purity publicly. 

Maybe if we stop cramming pills into our kids and paying attention to them the world would be a better place.  Parenting isn't easy but I'm afraid too many parents opt for the easy way out only to have it bite them later. 


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