Not From God but From Man
Published on March 4, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In History

Many know and recognize Charles Dawin's book, "Origin of Species" written in 1859 that brought the whole Evolutionary Science to the forefront.  But how many know the real title of the book?  Do you recognize this? 

 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life,

How many know this?  This was the original title.  How many know that Darwin was not only a Racist but also believed women were inferior to men?  It blows my mind that people follow this man and his writings without even knowing anything about the man who started it all.   How many know that Hitler and his Nazi's took Darwin's beliefs to heart and therefore had much to do with what we know today as the Holocaust? 

If I were to ask you how many races are there, how many would you say?  20?  30?  50? Hundreds? 

From a  biblical POV there is only one race; the human race. Race is an evolutionized term.  It's too bad the churches didn't realize this.  Some do, many still do not.  Many churches today still have on their books a law against interracial marriages.  Why?  It's not coming from scripture.  Scripture doesn't recognize races.  Tribes?  Yes.  Nations?  Yes.  There is no forbidden different races to marry.  Moses married a black woman.   Rhab and Ruth, both in the geneology of Christ were from different races  marrying into the Jewish Faith yet they were two of only four women mentioned in the gospel lineage of Christ. 

Our speaker at the AIG conference said he was recently denied to speak at a church because he had been married for 25 years to a Japanese woman.  Happily married to one woman but since she was  Japanese the by-laws of this particular church forbid it or the Pastor would be asked to leave the church.   Sad.

If we would only learn to look at people groups thru the lens of God's word and not thru the lens of man's opinions.  How much nicer this world would be. 

If there is no Jesus, then there is no equality.  If there is Jesus then there is equality because Jesus is the Creator and we are all created equal.  But even the Christians did err for not knowing the scriptures.  In a Southern Baptist Church in 1856 a half breed was not allowed to be buried in a church cemetary.  They were a pretty racist group all in themselves.  Darwin just helped them along.  Many don't realize that it was the Christians who rode in under Darwin's coattails while the Scientists stood back not supporting him hardly at all.  In fact some loudly protested his findings.  It wasn't until after the 1930's when the new younger Scientists came along that his theory was accepted in large by the Scientific community. 

So many stories on racism thru the years.  How many know or have read about Africans put on display in Zoos?  Have you ever read about the world's fair in St. Louis in 1904 when a black pygmy boy was put on display?  Happend all the time.  I recently read a story about this also in NY in 1906. 

From an evolutionist POV this belief of superiority is hardwired into our brain.  The Boston Globe reporting about Bosnia and Bio-Politics said that the cause of the bloodbath over there "lies in our genes."  They said it's genetic.  It couldn't be sin could it?  

In England I remember a story about this Musem holding bones of the blacks keeping them for Science.  When they were requested for burial they refused.  Blacks were not treated as human by many. 

How about sterilization?  Ever hear of that?  How many know that in the United States alone over 64,000 people were sterilized right up until the 1970's?   Many might remember Hitler ordering this forced sterilization to over 400,000 people but not many know the United States  was behind such a horrid program.

 This was all done in the name of Eugenics or the support of improving the human race by sterilizing those who maybe were non-white, sick with disease, had epilepsy or were feeble minded.  How did one know if someone was feeble minded or not?  Ever hear of the SAT test?  Yep, used for measuring intelligence.  How scary is that?   Ever hear of the bell curve linking intelligence with race?  

Forced sterilization was done also in the prison system.  I heard Indiana started this in the prison system 100 years ago by sterilizing some of the inmates.  From 1924-79 Virginia sterilized 8,000 people alone.

In 1967 there was a law against interracial marriage in 16 states until 1967 in a Supreme Court case Loving vs. Virginia.  Many, my age or older can probably remember these days quite well. 

So how could we, as a Christian Nation pass these laws?  Where is the equality the scriptures preach about?  Why aren't we listening? What happened?  From what I can ascertain even the churches were consistent with the world view turning away from the biblical world view.  They were viewing man's opinion as higher than God's opinion. 

What does the bible say about the feeble minded?  We sterilized them.  Germany executed them but yet scripture says we are to comfort them. 

The bible says it's not the externals that matter.  It's all about internals.  It's not about skin color. Large earlobes, large noses or slanted eyes are the same as skin color.  These are genetic traits and should not be used to make one inferior to another.

Will we ever learn? 



Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 06, 2008

Those who believe in it wish to escape the authority of Almighty God.

That is just plain stupid.


on Mar 06, 2008
How many know that Darwin was not only a Racist but also believed wormen were inferior to men?

Zoo posts: You mean like the Bible tells us? Women must lie beneath the man and subject themselves to his will.[/quote]

Did you read this article Zoo? Where does it say in the bible women were inferior? Jesus, in fact elevated women quite often. It was to women he first showed himself after the resurrection. The men didn't or wouldn't believe them because of the culture but scripture NEVER puts women down.....
I can see you're probably trying to throw in the "submission" thing? Do you even understand the context to that? It has nothing to do with inferiority by the way.

Zoo posts: #156 quote]Now...the Bible has women submit to men. To be submissive. This gives men power over women...more power= more superiority. .....

Equality, huzzah!

After the Fall of Adam and Eve, peaceful life was no more. Sin had entered the world. Marriage among all nations had lost its essential and original characteristics..unity, indissolubility and sanctity. It lost unity because the husband could have morethan one wife. its indissolubility because divorce was granted for trifling grounds, its sanctity because marraige was considered an instrument of pleasure.

Polygamy and divorce enable us to understand that women were held as servants, a tool and plaything of men.Until the time of Christ women were definitely looked upon as inferior to men. Her consent wasn't required in marriage, and laws gave the husband absolute power over his wife. He could punish her at will, sell her and put her to death. (Islamic law is this way today.)

Women and children were grevioulsy hurt by this....for centiuries leading up to Christ and the development of Christianity. Christ changed all that. He raised women from this state of degradation by restoring her primitive dignity as a "companion of man" like unto Himself. IN creating the first woman God said, "Let us make him a help like unto himself." Like, not inferior.

Christ elevated woman first of all by being born of a woman as Gal. 4:4 has it. A woman made kindred to the Divinity what an exaltation of the feminine sex! If you know nothing except this....that all human nature was ennobled by the Blessed Mother Mary, but especially feminine nature becasue she was proclaimed "blessed among women." No one after this can say that women are inferior to men.

Christ elevated women by restoring the primitive unity, indissolubility and sanctity of marriage. The woman is queen of the domestic church...the home.

You mentioned Eph. 5: 22-23 "Let women be subject the their husbands, as to the Lord; becasue the husband is head of the wife, as Christ is the Head of the Church."

This happens only because of the need of authority and order in the family which calls for unity of command. Though subject, woman is always companion not his servant. V. 25, 33 makes it clear the power of the husband...there are well defined limits...he is the head of his wife, but for her welfare...Christ delivered Himself up for His beloved spouse, the Church.

On this point of Christian marriage Pius XI wrote in his encyclical Casti Connubii,

"The subjection, however, does not deny or take away the liberty which fully belongs to the woman both in view of her dignity as ahuman person and in view of her most nobleoffice as wife and mother and companion; nor does it bid her obey her husband 's every request if not in harmony with right reason or with the dignity due, nor in fine, does it imply that the wife should be put on a level with those persons who in the law are called minors to whom it is notcustomaryto allow free exercise of their rights on account of their lack of mature judgment or oftheir ignorance of human affairs. But it forbids that exxagerated liberty which cares not for the good of the family; itforbids that in this body which is the family, the heart be separated from the head to the great detriment of the whole body and the proximate danger of ruin. For if the man is the head, the woman is the heart, and as he occupies the chief place in ruling, so she may and ought to claim for herself the chief place in love."

on Mar 06, 2008
Lula posts:
The theory of evolution was nurtured in the philosophy which teaches that man is sufficient in himself and does not need God. Evolution theory is prejudicial in this sense that macro-evolution is not an established fact. Those who believe in it wish to escape the authority of Almighty God.

Those who believe in it wish to escape the authority of Almighty God.
That is just plain stupid.

No, Zoo, not stupid when you think it through to its final end. It goes like this:

If Macro-Evolution is true, then people are just animals and can make up their own rules about right and wrong....There is no absolute right and wrong. Now, if Creation is true, then humans were created by God and because of that He gets to make the standards; the rules of right and wrong.

What's more, the entire ethical system that flows from Evolution is completely antithetical to all that is Christian. Please think further on this observation. Every single anti-Christian "ism" , ie Racism, Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Secular Humanism, and others have found as its pseudosceintific foundation in the idea of Godless Evolution.

on Mar 06, 2008
If Macro-Evolution is true, then people are just animals and can make up their own rules about right and wrong....There is no absolute right and wrong.

Don't equate our origin with morality. That has nothing to do with it.

Hey, in case you haven't noticed...we are animals. Same stuff kill us, we have similar structure, we match up to all the definitons of an animal. A living thing that moves.


It's not an alternative to religion, it's a better understanding of where all this came from. That doesn't make it evil and it doesn't make it good. You're interpreting it way out of it's inherent boundries.

Religion doesn't automatically dictate a wholesome and cohesive society anyway. Through your logic that automatically means atheists are bloodthirsty, souless killers because they believe in no god. Which, if I may suggest is completely wrong and prejudiced. Someone who doesn't believe in a god still has all the range of human emotions as someone who believes in a god. Love, guilt, compassion, anger, sadness, remorse, joy....they're all there whether they think a god caused it or not.(barring any mental illness of course) The only thing religion offers is further belief in life after death and/or a higher power that affects the world and/or just punishment/reward for the life you live and the actions you take.

Where do you get all this crap? Sounds like textbook propaganda techniques.

on Mar 06, 2008
Don't equate our origin with morality. That has nothing to do with it.

Oh yes our ideas, our beliefs about our Origin has plenty do do with morality. Both ideas on how life began and the world came about, through God's Creation or Evolution affect how people act. If Evolution is true then everything in the world is explianed without God.

on Mar 06, 2008
If Evolution is true then everything in the world is explianed without God.

How very sad.

Oh my world I can believe in God and evolution at the same time.

Trusting in one does not mean you have to discard the other.

on Mar 06, 2008
Trusting in one does not mean you have to discard the other.

The Bible is either all true, or not all true. If the origins are not true, why would the rest of it hold any weight? If the Bible isn't credible, who is this God you believe in, Zoo?
on Mar 06, 2008


Well I'd believe what you said here Zoo, only if you had some facts to back up this seemingly wonderful statement.  But the FACT is, neither the Evolutionists nor the Creationists were there in the beginning with a notebook, pen, and camera.  AND THAT'S A FACT! 

Hey, in case you haven't noticed...we are animals. Same stuff kill us, we have similar structure, we match up to all the definitons of an animal. A living thing that moves.

Ha!  Well you can call yourself an animal....I won't stop you.  With a name like're not far off.....   but I'd rather say that what you're referring to is one designer. 

Oh yes our ideas, our beliefs about our Origin has plenty do do with morality.

I agree.  If we believe that God created us, then we believe we are answerable to him for our actions here on earth.  If we do not believe in God, then who are we held accountable to?  What's stopping us from acting like animals as Zoo seems to think we are?

Oh my world I can believe in God and evolution at the same time. Trusting in one does not mean you have to discard the other.

Hmmmmm well then you would like the ID people or the Discovery Institute because that's what they say as well.  Some may say.....well at least you're halfway home but I would probably say that a lie is a lie whether it be full blown or half a lie.  I'm not a big fan of Theistic Evolution. 


on Mar 06, 2008
The Bible is either all true, or not all true. If the origins are not true, why would the rest of it hold any weight? If the Bible isn't credible, who is this God you believe in, Zoo?

Why is it all true or all false? Why the hell can't you people adjust?

The Bible is not infallible, maybe it was originally and maybe it never was can't rely on absolute and universal truth from a product written and retranslated by man. Well you can, but it makes you look rather silly. A closed mind, like a closed book can teach you nothing.

on Mar 06, 2008
Well you can, but it makes you look rather silly.

on Mar 06, 2008
Why is it all true or all false? Why the hell can't you people adjust?

Because... every single piece of that book is linked to every other piece of that book. That's why KFC's always saying, "I let scripture interpret scripture." The stuff in Genesis makes an impact on the rest of the Bible. The stuff in Revelations makes an impact on the rest of the Bible. As soon as you start picking out parts that aren't true, Satan comes right in and says, "That's not true either, then. And that isn't, and that isn't..." and you end up left with a code of conduct that condemns you with no mercy, or a religion that preaches tolerance of all sin because there's mercy for all. Every single word in that book is there for a reason. I don't know all the reasons, but God does, and that's why its written the way it is, translated the way it was, and that's why when there is a bad translation people know about it and avoid it - because there's peer review in Bible translating, too.
on Mar 06, 2008
A closed mind

Your mind is closed to the possibility that the Bible is accurate, despite translation. My God is powerful enough to get His word translated properly.
on Mar 06, 2008
Your mind is closed to the possibility that the Bible is accurate, despite translation.

No, not closed minded. I'm just not naive.

on Mar 06, 2008
Because... every single piece of that book is linked to every other piece of that book. That's why KFC's always saying, "I let scripture interpret scripture." The stuff in Genesis makes an impact on the rest of the Bible. The stuff in Revelations makes an impact on the rest of the Bible. As soon as you start picking out parts that aren't true, Satan comes right in and says, "That's not true either, then. And that isn't, and that isn't..." and you end up left with a code of conduct that condemns you with no mercy, or a religion that preaches tolerance of all sin because there's mercy for all. Every single word in that book is there for a reason. I don't know all the reasons, but God does, and that's why its written the way it is, translated the way it was, and that's why when there is a bad translation people know about it and avoid it - because there's peer review in Bible translating, too.

If that's the case, Jyth...get yourself a bag of rocks because there's a lot of sinners that need stonin'.

on Mar 06, 2008

If that's the case, Jyth...get yourself a bag of rocks because there's a lot of sinners that need stonin'.

That's not what Jay means Zoo.  Everything he said was right.  Jesus, in the New Covenant brought in a new and better way...Moses brought in the law, but Grace & Truth came by Christ. 

The law shows that those outside of it will be punished, but those who are able to keep the law perfectly (nobody can) will live forever.  The whole point was to show we can't keep the law, so he sent his son to keep it perfectly so that the ones who believe and take Christ's offer will be found perfect in him.  So those, like us, who have accepted this offer are no longer found wanting and unable to pay the huge sin debt hanging over our heads.  Christ paid it for me.

Jesus took care of what you're referring to when he said....."let him that is without sin, cast the first stone."   Remember?

If you notice the old men walked away first.  When Christ was writing in the sand I always thought he was writing all their girlfriend's names down and they saw and knew they had no right to stone her for doing exactly what they did. 


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