Prayers Work
Published on August 4, 2006 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Religion
This is sort of an attachment to my last blog entry on prayer. I promised I would tell a story on an amazing experience I had and the answer I received from God as a result of my prayer.

I pray alot for my children. I pray not only for their salvation, but that they would be strong men, leaders in God's army. My heart's desire is that they would love God as much as their father and I do.

Two years ago come November we were having problems with one boy. He was not on the same page as we were, and it was worrisome for us. We thought he was really not behaving in a good way, not how he was brought up to be. We saw him sliding away not only from us, but from the God that we loved and honored. He was showing us he did not feel the same way mostly with his actions and lifestyle. According to anyone else, they would say he was a great kid, a great success. We were more concerned with his heart than his worldly success. We wanted to be proud of him and what he was doing, but at that time he was breaking our heart.

God gave us a message...I swear. It was amazing what happened.

We went down to see our son at college and an all out confrontation broke out between us, my son, and his girlfriend's parents. It was awful without going into details. It was a vacation from Hell that week. It was a collision of world views, and it was some collision, let me tell ya. Nothing really got settled, and we were headed back home. Our last morning at the hotel is where God spoke to me. I was in a state of angst and more than a bit upset over the events of the week.

While my husband used the bathroom, and I was getting coffee near the front desk, the lady behind the desk started to talk to me. She and I had gotten quite friendly over the week. She now said to me....."I have a story for you." Out of the blue she said this. Not having any idea and curious, I asked her to go ahead and tell me. I still remember it as clear as if she said it this morning. This is what she told me.

Her daughter had to do a speech in class. I knew about this since my kids did this as well. Each kid gets up, gives a speech in the spring, a vote is taken and they go onto the next round. Well she said the first student, a girl, stood up and gave her speech on how it was to be a Christian. She spoke about how she loved God and that she knew He had a plan for her life. The next, a boy, got up and spoke about going to seminary. He felt God tugging at him to go and he would answer the call. The next girl got up and spoke about not needing God. She was an atheist and did not need the crutch that the other two had spoken of. She had done quite well for herself and no god was involved in her life. She was considered quite the success story already.

A week later there was a car accident. It was bad. The first girl, the Christian was involved in it. Her car had gone under a semi and was crushed. The top was sheared off and the car was crumpled. Those that rushed to the scene said it was doubtful anyone could live in such an accident. It was horrific. They found her in a crumpled ball on the floor in the passenger side of the car. They had no idea how this could be. She was found alive. At this point I don't remember if she said how the girl fared, only that she was found alive.

Another week passed. Another car accident happened. This time it was the successful girl that had no need of God. She was involved in this accident. At this point the lady behind the desk was beginning to cry and my husband comes out of the bathroom ready to go. I hushed him and said, "let her finish her story first." So he listened. He could see the woman crying at this point so he knew something was up. The phone rang, she had to answer it but told me to wait. I needed to hear this story. She came back and finished.

This girl was hit from the side. It was a side impact to the driver's door and she was driving. She died instantly. There was no damage to the car, nothing to speak of anyway. But the impact was such that it took her life. Wow. Two girls, two car accidents, two different outcomes.

The funeral was huge as can be expected. This lady said her daughter was reading the obituary a few days later and it was huge. It chronicled the success this girl had received over the years. She was going to graduate with honors and all the colleges were after her to attend. She had many accolades and awards but as her daughter looked up from the paper that day, she said "Mom what good is it? What will these awards do for her now? She didn't know Jesus."

I said to this lady behind the desk who by this time was quite emotional. "This must have made a huge impact on your daughter." She nodded and said yes, it had made a huge impact on the whole community.

Wow. I was thinking what a story. This happened in Rustburg, VA or thereabouts because she told me she was from there. We walked to the car in silence. In that car sat our sullen son. I got in the car and turned around and said to him. "We just heard a story. and I think God has just told us He's in control." I don't know why we were told this. I don't know why that girl lost her life. We don't know the whys. But I was sure that God was telling us to stop worrying. He has everything in His control. Worrying is not going to add anything to our situation and it was showing lack of faith on our part.

So while we went back home saddened by the week's events, we turned it over to God. And the anxiety and all just flew out the window. It was amazing. Six months or so later we got another message. This same girlfriend's parents both came to Christ under a bizarre situation which in itself is another story. We knew then that God had just done a great thing in these people's lives and we were understanding even more clearly the message that was given us six months prior. God is truly amazing and does hear his people cry out.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 07, 2006
KFC, Christ is the only way to God because Christ is God.

Oh yes, I agree.

All religions are in touch with the same God, (Christ), only from a different perspective and cultural context, whether they recognise Him as Jesus or not. (At least this is how I see it.)

this is where we'd part company tho.

But if they got together and communicated their views in a spirit of understanding and love, they might be able to see that they are both actually “right”.

They can't both be right because there is too many contradictions. All religions cannot be true at the same time, because they teach many things completely opposite from one another. Now, they could all be wrong, but they can't all be right. The claims of one will exclude the other.

The Jesus of Islam was not the Son of God who died for the sins of the world. One religion is dependent on works to get salvation and another is dependent on grace alone (unmerited favor) for salvation.

It's very easy to see that we are dealing with different religious ideas that are not compatible with one another. It's when you get close to the central teachings the more apparent the differences become.

on Aug 08, 2006

You don't mention gratitude. Aren't you grateful that this girl died so that you could have your 'faith' confirmed, and your brat of a boy be brought nearer to your 'Christ' (I see no resemblance between what you profess to worship and the Christ of the Gospels and never have)?

Your sanctimonious self-satisfaction continues to revolt me.
on Aug 08, 2006
ya, I know you have made that quite clear all over the place. The only thing I'm curious about is why you read my blog if this is true? You do protest way too much. There's much more than meets the eye here.

on Aug 08, 2006

The only thing I'm curious about is why you read my blog if this is true?

For the same reason people watch train wrecks or gawk at corpses on the freeway. What they see is horrible and revolting but they can't look away.

Reading your blog is like looking at some vile microbe through a microscope. At a certain point the grotesque and the deformed become fascinating because of their grotesque deformities. And despite being a gimp myself, and having associated with all manner of other gimps during my life, I've yet to meet anything as thoroughly deformed as you.

And I note that, yet again, you've failed to address what I said and instead imply that, really, I'm secretly fascinated by you because I can hear God in your words. Certainly I can hear God in your words; I can hear Its howling, outraged laughter.
on Aug 08, 2006
I'm not even going to address you anymore EOIC. I'm tiring of your insults and badgering ways. If you want to engage in a good discussion, ok, but it seems as tho you have no interest in that so don't be surprised if I tend to ignore your comments from now on.

There's really nothing to discuss with you. I would like to ask you (in a nice way) to please not comment anymore on my threads unless you have something to add that is not insulting to me or anyone else. I'm ok with criticism. I'm not ok with downright insults, slander and lies.

'nuff said.

on Aug 08, 2006
All religions cannot be true at the same time, because they teach many things completely opposite from one another. Now, they could all be wrong, but they can't all be right.

You’re turning a blind eye to the common ground though, KFC. This common ground is significant and deep, and to me far outweighs any contradictions.

The claims of one will exclude the other.

If we consider the greater common ground, then the claims of one doesn’t exclude the other. On the contrary, they illuminate each other, and we can begin to see how they can sit harmoniously together. I’ve described this common ground before, but I don’t mind discussing it again if you like.

One religion is dependent on works to get salvation and another is dependent on grace alone (unmerited favor) for salvation

The Qur’an teaches that “believers will be saved”, i.e. believers in God, who they call Allah. Considering the analogy about the planets in the Solar System, I can’t see a contradiction.

The Jesus of Islam was not the Son of God who died for the sins of the world.

I believe that each religion has jigsaw pieces, which make up the full picture, and we can share pieces of revelation from other religions in order to gain larger glimpses of the bigger picture.

Islam acknowledges the divine conception of Jesus, the virgin birth, and that God sent Jesus to earth for a sacred purpose. But Muslims don’t believe that Jesus was God. I believe that this particular jigsaw piece is held by Christianity. Remember that Islam doesn’t centre upon Jesus primarily, but rather centres primarily on God. From a Christian point of view, Christ is God. When religious people pray in the spirit of goodness, I believe we are all in touch with exactly the same Spirit, regardless of tradition or culture.

We can't escape the fact that the deeper commonality between Islam and Christianity is great, especially regarding theistic issues such as One Creator God, that Heaven awaits us beyond the veil of death, and the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden etc. (I described a particular jigsaw piece that Christians can take from Islam, regarding the story of Adam and Eve, in one of your previous threads, KFC. See post #11 in )

It's when you get close to the central teachings the more apparent the differences become.

I think when we get too close to the details, to the coal face, we end up not seeing the wood for the trees, and we can miss the larger and deeper meanings disclosed in our religious revelations.

In my view, if we claim that all other religions are “wrong”, whilst our own religion is “right”, we begin to walk on irrational grounds in a spirit of close mindedness, especially considering the cultural bearings of our own personal religious beliefs.
on Aug 08, 2006
"For the same reason people watch train wrecks or gawk at corpses on the freeway. What they see is horrible and revolting but they can't look away."

funny. i think alot of people feel the same way about you...

"you've failed to address what I said and instead imply that, really, I'm secretly fascinated by you because I can hear God in your words. "

I didn't get that sense at all. I think you're simply putting words in other people's mouths. That's really all you seem to do. You take what people say and twist it until it fits your own agenda, and proves your own point. You do the same thing you accuse others of doing. Personally, that "continues to revolt me".
on Aug 10, 2006
Two years ago come November we were having problems with one boy. He was not on the same page as we were, and it was worrisome for us. We thought he was really not behaving in a good way, not how he was brought up to be. We saw him sliding away not only from us, but from the God that we loved and honored. He was showing us he did not feel the same way mostly with his actions and lifestyle. According to anyone else, they would say he was a great kid, a great success. We were more concerned with his heart than his worldly success. We wanted to be proud of him and what he was doing, but at that time he was breaking our heart.

Most kids would be sliding away, you sound over the top when it comes to pushing Christianity on him. God forbid you should let him develop some ideas of the world and that that is around him on his own, especially about Religion. If he really was interested in it he would come to you on this.

Based on this article I would say you are in a cult.
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